Kate Sharpley Library Documents
Macartney, John Lowden (1863-1951)
MacDonald, Ethel (1909-1960)
Mace, H.
MacSimóin, Alan (1957-2018)
Mainwaring, Sam (1841-1907)
Makhno, Nestor (1889-1934)
- Makhno's Black Cross.
- The Makhnovshchina and Its Aftermath: Documents from the movement and its survivors [Book review].
- Making Sense of Anarchism: Errico Malatesta’s experiments with revolution 1889-1900 by Davide Turcato [Book review].
- Malatesta and the Russian Maximalists.
Mamatas, Nick
- Manifesto from the Ateneu Enciclopèdic Popular (Barcelona): an injustice in need of repair.
- Manifesto of the No-Conscription League.
Manifold, John
Manzanera, Elias (-1990)
Marabini, Tomaso
- March 2024 KSL Update.
- March of the Anarchists.
Marchetti, Giovanni
Marcus, Sergei
- Margarethe Faas-Hardegger.
- Maria Grigorevna Nikiforova aka Marusya (1885-1919).
- Maria Lacerda de Moura, 1887-1944.
Mariani, Giuseppe
- Marie Louise Berneri Memorial Committee [Postcard, 1949 or 1950].
- Marie Louise Berneri Memorial [Leaflet 1949 or 1950].
Marín Silvestre, Dolors
Mariño, Henrique
- Mario Castelhano.
- Mario Ines Torres.
- A Mark Of Friendship.
Markov, Nikolai
Martell, Sid
Martinez, Miguel
Marzocchi, Umberto (1900-1986)
Masini, Pier Carlo
- Mass meeting of Unemployed April 4 1914 Union Square New York leaflet.
Mastin, Pete
- Mat Kavanagh Photo.
Mateo Otal, Raúl
Maximoff, G. P. (1893-1950)
- May '68 and its Afterlives [Review].
- MAY DAY, 1942 [leaflet].
- May Day in the Land of the Pharaohs [1921].
- May Day Rally, Queen's Park, Glasgow, May 6 1962.
- Mayday and Anarchism: Remembrance and Resistance From Haymarket to Now, Anna Key (ed.) [Review].
McArdle, Jack
McCartney, Wilf (1877-1949)
- 01, Life as an apprentice cook.
- 02, My early impressions.
- 03, The Tronc system.
- 04, The Staff and its food.
- 05, A desire for action.
- 06, Constitution of the French Cooks Syndicate.
- 07, Direct Action.
- 08, More lightning strikes.
- 09, War and the people.
- 10, The United Catering Trade Union.
- 11, Teashop waitresses' strike.
- 12, Comparisons.
- An anarchist worker's view of the A.R.P. appeal to "Bill" : dedicated to the proletarian youth movement.
- Dare to be a Daniel!.
McCulloch, E.
McKenna, Edward
Mechoso Mendez, Juan Carlos (1935-)
- A Meeting in Memory of Louise Michel [Leaflet, 1905].
Melgunov, Nikolai
Meltzer, Albert (1920-1996)
- 00, The publishing history of "Dare to be a Daniel!".
- 01 The Box Scandal; Gypsies and Germans; The Film Scandal; The Road to Salvation: In the Van; Lost Millions; Paradise Lost and Regained.
- 02 The Coasts of Bohemia; Fighting Fascism; The Battle of Cable Street; Schoolboy Anarchist; Castles in Spain; Frustration on Spain.
- 03 Off to Work; The Guy They All Dread; Early Days; Ebbtide; Attempts on Dictators; Around the Left.
- 04 War Clouds; The Taste of Defeat; War at Last; Internment and Discernment; Splitting the Atom; Blackpool Breezes; Prison; Division; Military Detention.
- 05 On 'Active' Service; the Marquis and the Maquis; the Cairo Mutiny; Bounty on the Mutiny.
- 06 Back in the Old Routine; The Spanish Resistance; The 374 Monster; Ruling the Waves; Three Minute Celebrity.
- 07 Bookselling; The Thetford Pain; Bookselling, the Lack of; Tales of the Housing Acts; The New Left; Squatting; International Spy.
- 08 Plumbing the Depths; Keeping Watch; -- And Ward; The Law-and-Order Candidate; Poetry to Pros.
- 09 The Iberian Liberation Council; How the Thames Was Lost.
- 10 The Spy, the Royalist and a Last Farewell; The Freedom of the Press; Admonition; Old Flame and New Floods.
- 11 Half-time summing-up.
- 12 Closer Links with Spain; Customs and Practice; Error and Terror; Satire; The Wooden Shoe; The Carrara Conference; The Vietnam Connection.
- 13 The Shadow of the Tong; The Anarchist Black Cross; Miguel Garcia; Start of "Black Flag"; Towards the Centre; Rise of the Print Empire; Anarchist in Fleet Street; 1986 Again; Doctor's Dilemma.
- 14 The Spanish War (Continued!); Centro Iberico; Greek Tragedy; Haverstock Hill; The Invisible Woman; This Gun for Sale; Only Too Visible Women; Channel Swimmer in Beads; Emilienne.
- 15 Floodgates; The First Twenty Black Flag Years; Novel Approach; Terrorist Links; The Magic Coat.
- 16 Barrack Room Lawyer Again; Twilight of Francoism; The Angry Brigade; Bitov What You Fancy; The Brief Morning of Anarchy; Trials and Tribulations.
- 17 Auto Destruction; At the Old Bailey; Witness of the Persecution; Fun and Games at the Gulag; The Most Distressful Country; After the Storm; Irish Association; The Murrays.
- 18 The CNT between Death and Birth; The Re-Birth of the CNT; The Phoney CNT; The Orkneys; Cienfuegos Press; The Wooden Horse.
- 19 The Execution of Puig Antich; the 'Newer Angry Brigades': The Bookie Always Wins; Affinity Groups; Persons Unknown; The Protest Movement.
- 20 After the Christie File; Refract; "The Kid's Last Fight"; Kate Sharpley.
- 21 By the Waters of Babylon; The Battle of Railton Road; International Centres.
- 22 Communism and Pandora's Box; A Rebel Spirit; 1984 and All That.
- 23 The State's Internal Enemy; Death Pangs of Fleet Street; Spanish Practices; The Battle of Wapping; The Emperor's Courtiers.
- 24 The New Left; "Anarchy'; Lost Weekend; Venice Observed.
- 25 Lucky Strike; Direct Action Years; Poll Tax; The Battle of Trafalgar Square; Class War; Leo.
- 26 Higher Intelligence; Velikovsky; Wonderful Copenhagen; Jim Abra; Counter intelligence; The Informer Who Changed History.
- 27 Two Fascisms; Anti-Fascist Fascism; The irascibles; the End of Fleet Street; Retirement; Down Under.
- 28 My Discovery of Sweden; The Schism; 'Nordic Anarchism': Weekend in Macedonia.
- 29 Looking Back; State Over Health; The Slump (Second Act); Act in the Court; Police in the State; Looking Forward.
- 30 The Final Curtain.
- 1926: The Watershed of Class History.
- Aims and principles of anarchism : an essay at defining what the Anarchist Movement is and how wide a field it covers. London: Coptic Press, 1968.
- Albert Meltzer quotes.
- Alternatives to suicide.
- Anarchism: arguments for and against [2023 edition].
- Anarchist Literature: "It Must Begin Again".
- Anarcho-syndicalism : an outline of constructive anarchism.
- Anarchy in Action by Colin Ward [Book review].
- Appendix I (Chronology for 'I couldn't paint golden angels').
- Appendix II (Albert Meltzer's 'political record').
- Are Anarchists Extremists?.
- Argentinean Anarchist Library (Biblioteca "Alberto Ghiraldo").
- Audrey Beecham [1915-89].
- Author’s Apology : I couldn’t paint golden angels.
- Behind the Slogans: "National Independence".
- Bloomsbury's Anarchist [a tribute to Charlie Lahr].
- The Bridge of Asses.
- [Debating the Miners’ Strike 5] The Miners & Social Change.
- Did Kropotkin Support World War I?.
- Dilettantes [letter].
- Ethel Mannin (1900-1985).
- Factionalism & Individualism.
- Frank Leech.
- The Future and the Workers: Slave State or Anarcho-Syndicalism? [1938].
- How will the war end? [1939].
- The Humble Soapbox.
- I Couldn't Paint Golden Angels: Sixty Years of Commonplace Life and Anarchist Agitation.
- Iconoclast, v.1,n.2 (March 1966).
- Iconoclast, v.1,n.3 (April 1966).
- Industrial Britain on the Move!.
- The Italian Connection (The Italians in GB – Fascists and Anti-Fascists).
- Joe Hill.
- Joe Thomas [obituary].
- Joint Manifesto of the Revolutionary Youth Federation and the Committees for Workers' Control.
- Kate Sharpley's Story.
- K.S.L..
- The Labour Movement in Spain : Albert Meltzer on Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalism.
- The Lessons of History.
- Lest we forget or never knew (TV Review) [The Dunera Boys].
- Letter from Albert Meltzer to Tierra y Libertad.
- Liars and Liberals (Black Flag supplement no.3).
- Liars and Liberals – the other anarchism. The Woodcock-Sansom school of falsification.
- Lives Remembered: Ambrose Barker and Ella Twynan.
- The nature of nonviolent fascism and the George Woodcock myth.
- Objections to Anarchism: What’s in a name?.
- Ongoing anarchist Movements (1) -The Anarchist Black Cross.
- Photos for 'I couldn't paint golden angels'.
- Pinelli, Valpreda & state terror [Review of The Valpreda Papers: The prison diaries of Pietro Valpreda].
- The Problems of Anarchist History.
- The Purpose of History.
- Putting the record straight.
- Question and answer on Anarchism [Anti-Imperialism].
- A Rebel Spirit (obituary of Leah Feldman).
- Ringing down the Iron Curtain.
- The same old Kate : a play.
- Scope of the Library.
- Social Revolution – Genuine Brand.
- Spain: The Struggle Goes On.
- The Spanish Resistance: The People Named.
- Speaking and Writing (Comment).
- Sport, War & Aggression [Letter, 1966].
- The stuff of politics.
- To hell with liberalism.
- Transition and the right to well-being.
- Truth or Dare.
- The Tyranny of Words.
- Union-Bashing Economics [1975].
- Was Tolstoy an anarchist? The two caricatures of Anarchism.
- Why can't I see it yet?.
- Women Pioneers.
- Wooden Horse [Jan/Feb 1975].
- Wooden Shoe No.1 [1967].
- Workers’ Control and the Wage System (Ideas: What is Anarcho-Syndicalism?).
- ‘Why not give it up?’.
- The Meltzer family, London 17 July 1938.
- Memoirs of a Fighter [Miguel Garcia Garcia, Looking Back After Twenty Years of Jail: Questions and Answers on the Spanish Anarchist Resistance] [Review].
- Memorial tribute to Ken Williams.
- Men in Prison, Birth of Our Power and Conquered City, by Victor Serge [Review].
Menghini, Valerio
Mental, Judge
Mercier Vega, Louis (1914–1977)
Mesnil, Jacques (1872-1940)
Mesquida, Evelyn
Mett, Ida (1901-1973)
- The Mexican Comrades at McNeils.
Miasnikov, Gavriil (1889-1945)
- Michael Gilbert.
Michaels, Emanuel
- Michel Camilleri.
Michel, Louise (1830-1905)
- The Militant Right - Is It A Menace?.
- The mill of the Bolsheviks.
Millar, John A.
Miller, Mitch
Miller, Peter (1943-1999)
Mills, Iris
Milton, John
- Miners - the latest [Report on on visit to Nottinghamshire, 1984].
- Miners [Report and analysis from Doncaster, 1984].
- Miners Update: Ammanford South Wales [July 1984, Including speech by CNT member].
- Miners update: The Next Step [August 1984].
Mintz, Frank
- Minutes of the Freedom Press Group.
- Minutes of the Freedom Press Group 1966.
- Minutes of the Freedom Press Group 1967.
Miró Solanes, Fidel
- Misfit by Jack White [Review].
- The missing memoirs of Tom Brown, Tyneside syndicalist.
Mochanovsky, Fedor
Molina Mateo, Juan Manuel (1901-1984)
- Monster anti-military mass meeting 3 May 1914 Denver leaflet.
Montanyà, Xavier
Montes-Bradley, Eduardo
Montsant del Priorat, R.
Montseny, Federica (1905-1994)
Moorhouse, Henry
Moran, Jessica
- More Hell Raisers Needed.
Moreel, Bas
Morel, E.D. (Edmund Dene) (1873-1924)
Moro, Sofia
Morozov, K.
Morris, Dave
Morris, William
Morton, James F. (1870-1941)
- The Most Interesting Library Club in America.
Most, Johann (1846-1906)
- Mother Earth Rides Again [Review of] Anarchy! An anthology Of Emma Goldman's Mother Earth, Edited and with commentary by Peter Glassgold.
Motler, Leonard Augustine (1888-1967)
- Mr Batllori’s Death. The Friend of Ferrer.
Mratchny, Mark (1892-1975)
Mühland, Rudolf
Mühsam, Erich (1878-1934)
Mulas Hernandez, José Luis
Müller-Sewing, Hans
Muñoz Cortes, Victor
- The Murder of Lev Cherny and the Bolsheviks (for the second anniversary of his execution by the Cheka).
- Murderous Silence : Luigi Galleani and Cronaca Sovversiva [a critique of their attitude to the Mexican Revolution by Regeneración, 1911].
Musarra, Natale
- The Mutual Aid Centre (Liverpool).
- My Eighty-One Years of Anarchy : A Memoir by May Picqueray [Book review].