Kate Sharpley Library Documents
Sabate Llopart, Francisco (1915-1960)
- The SAC [Svensk Arbetaren Centralorganisation] (Sweden).
Sacchetti, Giorgio
- Sacco and Vanzetti eighty years on.
- The Sacco-Vanzetti case in Russia.
Sadovska, Kristine
- A salute to Alexandre Skirda 1942-2020.
- Salvador Puig Antich & the Movimiento Ibérico de Liberación [Review].
- Salvador Puig Antich: verdict overturned.
- Sample chronology of anarchist women's activity in Latin America 1884-1968.
Sanftleben, Alfred (1871-1952)
Sansom, Philip
Santamaría, Roque
- Santos Cortes, Militiaman, ever at the ready.
Sanz, Carles
Sargent, Lyman Tower
Savchenko, Viktor
Scalorbi, Lina Zucchini
Scarceriaux, Jules
Scarfó, América (1913-2006)
Schapiro, Alexander (1882-1946)
Schiavina, Raffaele (1894-1987)
Schutte, Max
Schwartz, Arturo
Sciascia, Leonardo
- Scott Rittenhouse, presente! 1959-2012.
- Searchlight & the State.
Segura, Antoni
Seidenberg, Roderick
- Seth Dockstader.
Shapiro, Shelby
Sharkey, Paul
Shaw, Rick
- Sheffield ’84 National Anarchist Conference.
Shipway, Mark
Shliakhovoy, Anton
- A short history of the 'Star of Peru' Bakery Workers' Federation (FOPEP).
- A Short Outline of Francoist Repression of the CNT in Tenerife (1936-1937).
Shrapnel, Coco
- Siberian Makhnovshchina : Siberian Anarchists in the Russian Civil War (1918-1924) by Igor Podshivalov [Book Review].
Skirda, Alexandre (1942-2020)
- Slaughter or slander? Notes on the Albert Meltzer-George Woodcock conflict.
- The slow burning fuse: the lost history of the British anarchists [Book review].
Smith, Lucifer T.
- Socialist and anarchist prisoners in the fight for a "political regime" at Solovki camp.
- Soldiers in Cairo.
Soler, Francisco
- Solidarity forever : the struggle goes on.
Solopov, Maksim
- Some Militants of the CNT.
- Some thoughts on Alexander Berkman.
- Something should be done (or How to revolt) [book review].
- Sons of Night: Antoine Gimenez’s Memories of the War in Spain is out.
- The Sons of Night by Antoine Gimenez and the Giménologues [Book review].
- Sorbonne anarchist leaflet, May 1968 .
Souchy, Augustin
Souvarine, Boris (1895-1984)
- Soviet Secret Police Documents from 1941 (Leningrad) [Anarchist leaflets].
- Spain – Commemoration of the 19th July [London, 1941].
- Spanish Anti-Fascist Fighters in Prison Camps in Britain! [Chorley Spanish Republicans protest leaflet, 1945].
- The Spanish Revolution: A brief introduction by Charlatan Stew.
- The Spanish Revolution: In Their Words.
- The Spanish Sacco and Vanzetti: Granados and Delgado.
- Sparks of Hope : Impressions of Early North American Anarchist Newspapers: words by Barry Pateman; music by Devin Hoff. [CD Review].
- Special Branch biography of Ethel Mannin (1945).
- Special Branch biography of George Orwell (1942?).
- Special Branch biography of George Orwell (1942?) page 1.
- Special Branch biography of George Orwell (1942?) page 2.
- Special Branch biography of George Woodcock (1945).
- Special Branch biography of Herbert Read (1945).
- Special Branch biography of Ingebord Hedwig Elisabeth Roskelly (1945).
- Special Branch biography of Simon Watson Taylor (1945).
- Special Branch report on Industrial Workers of the World in Britain (1947).
- Special Branch report on meeting held by Freedom Defence Committee (1945).
- Special Branch report on meeting held by Freedom Defence Committee (1945) page 1.
- Special Branch report on meeting held by Freedom Defence Committee (1945) page 2.
- Special Branch report on meeting held by Freedom Defence Committee (1945) page 3.
- Special Branch report on protest meeting against Barcelona executions (1952).
- Special Branch report on protest meeting against Barcelona executions (1952) cover.
- Special Branch report on protest meeting against Barcelona executions (1952) page 1.
- Special Branch report on protest meeting against Barcelona executions (1952) page 2.
- Special Branch report on protest meeting against Barcelona executions (1952) page 3.
- Special Branch report on protest meeting against Barcelona executions (1952) page 4.
- Special Branch report on protest meeting against Barcelona executions (1952) page 5.
- Special Branch report on protest meeting against Barcelona executions (1952) page 6.
- Special Branch report on protest meeting against Barcelona executions (1952) page 7.
- Special Branch report on the Syndicalist Workers' Federation (1950).
- Special Branch report on the Syndicalist Workers' Federation (1950) page 1.
- Special Branch report on the Syndicalist Workers' Federation (1950) page 2.
Spencer, Herbert
- Spreading the Word [Review:] John T. Caldwell, With Fate Conspire: memoirs of a Glasgow seafarer and anarchist..
Stamm, Ed
- The Stammheim Deaths.
Stanley, Gwen
- Statement of Young Chinese Anarchists [1927].
- Steel Blues [1988].
- Stefano Delle Chiaie: Portrait of a Black Terrorist" by Stuart Christie [Review].
Steimer, Mollie (1897-1980)
Stepnaya, Dora (1897-1932)
Stetner, David (1914-)
- Still Up in the Hills After April '45: Italian Partisan Revolts 1945-1947.
Stirner, Max (1806-1856)
- Stonehenge ’85.
- [Stop the city].
- The Story of the Iron Column [Book Review].
- The story of the Iron Column by Abel Paz published: a personal view.
Stott, Paul
Strafelini, Emilio (1897-)
- Stratford Dialectical and Radical Club: Free lectures on the Sunday evenings in March and April [1882].
- Strike History [1984 call for information on anarchist solidarity with the miners strike].
- Strikers, Hobblers, Conchies & Reds : The Bristol Radical History Group book.
Stronacchi, Guy de
- Structure of the National Confederation of Labour (The C.N.T.) Spain [Leaflet, 1937].
- The Struggle Against The State And Other Essays by Nestor Makhno, edited by Alexandre Skirda [Review].
- Stuart Christie & Iris Mills, Honley 1975.
- Stuart Christie 1946-2020.
- Stuart Christie and Albert Meltzer in Faro, Portugal 1985?.
- Stuart Christie, Cambridge, 1986.
- Stuart Christie, Highgate Cemetery, London, 1968.
- Stuart Christie, Juan Busquets Verges, Ceret, 1994.
- Stuart Christie, London, 1968.
- Stuart Christie, Luis Andres Edo, Albert Meltzer, Doris Ensinger (Edo's partner). Photo by Branwen Christie.
- The Stuart Christie Memorial Archive.
- The Stuart Christie Memorial Archive opening (June 2022).
- Stuart Christie on Sanday, 1978.
- Stuart Christie, Over the Water, Sanday.
- Stuart Christie's Life and Legacy with The Stuart Christie Memorial Archive podcast.
- The stuff of history.
- The Successes of Collectivization.
- Suggestions for Further Reading [on the Spanish Revolution] by Charlatan Stew.
- A Summer in the Park by Tony Allen [Review].
- Support the Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo one of the largest anarchist archives in the world.
Sutherland, Ken
Swede, Oscar (1900-1942)
- The Syndicalist [1952-1953].
- Syndicalist Programme of the Anarchist Federation [1943].
Szarapow, -