Kate Sharpley Library Documents
- I Couldn't Paint Golden Angels by Albert Meltzer [Review].
- Ian Cameron (1938-2021).
- Iconoclast.
- The Idea by Nick Heath [Book review].
- If We Must Fight, Let It Be For The Social Revolution (1914).
Imanol, -
- The action groups hardly anybody talks about.
- Anarchist Columns and Their Guerrilla Teams During the Civil War.
- Back in the days when your name might bring you to grief.
- Blind Spot : Manuel Huet and the libertarian underground in France.
- The Crackdown on Women in the Guerrilla Orbit.
- The Die-Hards and Their Activities Relating to Trans-Pyrenean Invasions.
- Elisa Garrido aka La Mañica, Ponzán Network Member and Anti-Nazi Saboteur.
- Expropriation as a Weapon against Capitalism.
- France's Basses Pyrénées Department and the Spanish Guerrillas.
- Further Data on Riojan Involvement in Guerrilla Groups in France and Spain.
- The Gómez Talón Group, One of the Earliest Guerrilla Groups Operating in Barcelona in 1939.
- The Greatest Train Robbery in History: “the Resistance Hold-Up”.
- How Libertarian Memory in France Was Usurped and Manipulated: a Story of a Theft.
- How Libertarian Memory was Hijacked South of the Pyrenees. The Story of a Theft.
- In the Footsteps of the Libertarian 'del Rio' Battalion and Its Fight Against the Nazis in the Ariege and Haute Garonne Departments of France.
- The Involvement of Spanish Libertarian Women in the French Resistance.
- The Libertador Group, the Future Ponzán Network in Embryo.
- The Libertarian Underground in France: Part One: Forgery.
- The Lyon Hold-Up and Its Impact on the Libertarian Movement in Exile.
- Manuel Ramos Rueda, commander of the 2nd Spanish Guerrilla Agrupación.
- Marcelino Massana, a Wit and Character Right to the Grave.
- María Lozano Molina, Poet, Activist and Woman-At-Arms.
- The Massana Gang.
- Operation Frankton and the Role of Spanish Libertarians.
- Paradox: Anti-Militarist, yet Fought in Three Wars.
- Paradox Part Two: the Diehards and the Cross-Border Action Groups.
- The Patacons, a libertarian band in the Prades Mountains.
- A Roll-call of Female Participants in the Guerrilla War against Franco: An Updated list of Women who took Part in the Post-civil War Direct Fight against Francoism.
- A Roll-Call of Spanish Anarchists in the French Resistance and Escape Lines.
- A Roll-Call of Spanish Anarchists in the French Resistance and Escape Lines part one.
- Spanish libertarian involvement in the maquis in Dordogne.
- Spanish Participation in the Haute Savoie Resistance.
- The UJA, One of the Very First Groups to Fight Francoism.
- The UNE's Dirty Deeds. Extortion, Threats and Murders.
- Unknown and Essential. Forgers and the Libertarian Underground.
- Update: March 2024.
- Updated information about Manuel Huet and those close to him.
- When Things Go Awry: Failed Operations by the Action Groups.
- With Death Snapping at Their Heels: Tales From Europe's "wild West".
- Women and The Guerrilla War.
- Women's participation in the Allied escape lines.
- Important note on the Bulletin.
- In memoriam Alexander Berkman.
- In Memoriam: May 1, U.S.A. [1944].
- In Russia's Prisons.
- In Stalin’s Russia: where are the anarchists Ghezzi and Petrini?.
- In the forthcoming elections.... Vote For Nobody / Don't Vote [Anti-election leaflet, 1987].
- Index to Cienfuegos Press Anarchist Review.
Indic, Trivo
- Ineke and Margaret.
- Information Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library And Documentation Centre, No.2, Summer 1986.
Iñíguez, Miguel
- Insurrection: The Bloody Events of May 1937 in Barcelona [Book review].
- The International Socialist Workers and Trade-Union Congress of 1896. Shall Politicians Boss It? [Leaflet].
- Internationalism in practice.
- Interviews.
- Introduction: Paolo Finzi: Tenacity and Passion.
- Introduction: Ready for Revolution.
- Introduction to 'A Life For Anarchy: A Stuart Christie Reader'.
- Introductory note for Blind Spot : Manuel Huet and the libertarian underground in France.
- The Invisible Dictatorship: Revolutionary Organisation and Objectives.
- Invisible or just underrated? Thoughts on anarchist solidarity with the Miners’ Strike of 1984-85.
- Invite to 75th birthday party of comrade Doris Wess-Zhook (1949).
Ireland (pseudonym), -
- Iron Column [Publishing News].
- Is Giuseppe Ressia ‘Joe the Tailor’?.
Isca, Valerio
- Islands of Anarchy, Simian, Cienfuegos and Refract 1969-1987: An Annotated Bibliography [Review].
- Italian Anarchism, 1864-1892 by Nunzio Pernicone [Review].
- Italian Anarchists in Russian Prisons.
- Italian comrade deported from Russia to Italy! [1936].
Ivanov, Dmitrii I.
Izquierdo, José
Izrine, Jean-Marc