Blind Spot : Manuel Huet and the libertarian underground in France


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Kate Sharpley Library Forword
By Way of Introduction
Chapter 1 — Childhood Years
Chapter 2 — The Tram strike
Chapter 3 — “El Padre”
Chapter 4 — ‘Capità Collons’
Chapter 5 — The Civil War
Chapter 6 — National Treasure
Chapter 7 — Exile, the Dora and the Diamond-cutters
Chapter 8 — The Escape Lines and the Maritime Antenna
Chapter 9 — Paco (Part One)
Chapter 10 — Dangerous Friendships
Chapter 11 — Paco (Part Two)
Chapter 12 — The “Pat-Françoise” Line
Chapter 13 — Land of a Thousand Trails
Chapter 14 — All that glisters is not gold
Chapter 15 — Don Antonio
Chapter 16 — The Same Story with 40 years’ Hindsight
Chapter 17 — Bad Times for Waxing Lyrical
Chapter 18 — ‘El Padre’ Looks after His Own but … who Looked out for ‘el Padre’?
Chapter 19 — The Liberation of Paris and First Contacts with La Nueve
Chapter 20 — Tales of La Nueve
Chapter 21 — Cards on the Table
Chapter 22 — Dumps
Chapter 23 — Clandestine Gatherings
Chapter 24 — 1940s Bureaucrats
Chapter 25 — The Jew the Nazis did not Persecute
Chapter 26 — Rosa Curt, the Great Unknown
Chapter 27 — The Gang
Chapter 28 — “La Nuri”
Chapter 29 — “Operation Saccharine”
Chapter 30 — The Problem With Thinking That You Are Something
Chapter 31 — Laureano and his “Sección Fomento’
Chapter 32 — The Tartas Guerrilla Base
Chapter 33 — The Perpignan Group
Chapter 34 — The Whole World Our Homeland
Chapter 35 — The Transportes Galicia S.A. Company
Chapter 36 — Plans in the Interior
Chapter 37 — The Clandestine Apparatus in Exile
Chapter 38 — And Sometimes a Calm in the Eye of the Storm
Chapter 39 — Laureano Cerrada’s Downfall
Chapter 40 — The Lyon Hold-up
Chapter 41 — Show Trial of the “Gang of Spaniards”
Chapter 42 — El Quico
Chapter 43 — Bureaucrats, 1960s
Chapter 44 — Old Faces, Fresh Struggles
Chapter 45 — Over and Out (no oration)
Chapter 46 — The Guerrilla War of Remembrance
Chronology of events cited
Glossary of initials cited
Sources Used:

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