The 1945 split in British anarchism.
Alan MacSimoin 1957-2018.
Albert Meltzer and the fight for working class history.
Anarchism & Violence : Severino Di Giovanni [Review].
Anarchism in North East England 1882-1992 [review].
Anarchist archives, terrorism and censorship.
Anarchist history roundup Aug. 2022.
Anarchist History Roundup July 2018.
Anarchist Voices: An Oral History of Anarchism in America Paul Avrich (AK Press, 2005) [Review].
Antonio Téllez Solà: the man who taught us that there were some who never gave up.
Archibald, Malcolm.
The meaning of Makhnovshchina.
Ballarín Aured, Manuel.
Antonio Téllez Solá, A Historian in the Service of the Forgotten.
Balsamini, Luigi and Carlo De Maria.
Archives with kitchens: Luigi Balsamini interviewed by Carlo De Maria on Anarchist Libraries and Archives.
Barker, John.
Anarchy in the UK, by Tom Vague [Review].
Barry Pateman on Anarchist History and Challenges.
Bayer, Osvaldo and Silvina Friera.
Osvaldo Bayer: rebel with a cause.
Berneri, Marie Louise.
How the History of the Spanish War is written.
Blay, Juan Antonio and Coral Pellicer Veloso.
The Valencian Durruti [José Pellicer Gandía of the Iron Column].
Bob D'Attilio tribute.
Botta, Luigi.
Bob D’Attilio is gone: The American "memory" of the Sacco and Vanzetti case.
Boulouque, Sylvain.
Alexandre Skirda, the anarchist from the Quai Saint Michel.
Brook, Stan.
Living Anarchism: José Peirats and the Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalist Movement by Chris Ealham [Review].
A Call out for a radical historical opposition to the plans for a commemoration of the start of World War 1 From Past Tense.
Christie, Stuart.
Antonio Téllez Solà, the Herodotus of the anti-Franco maquis.
Christie, Stuart.
Paul Avrich: Historian of anarchism in the US and the Soviet Union.
Christie, Stuart.
Soldiers Of The Night: The Story of the French Resistance by David Schoenbrun [Review].
Collet, Cécile.
Time Capsule a Reminder of Anarchist Struggles [Lausanne].
Dar la vida, por la vida (Give a life for life): Miguel Garcia Garcia (1908-1981).
David Porter.
December 2019 message from the Kate Sharpley Library.
Dolgoff, Sam.
George Woodcock: a muddled history of anarchism [Book review].
Edward Colston: two links.
Emma Goldman: political thinking in the streets by Kathy Ferguson [Book review].
Falcone, Sergio.
Giuseppe Pinelli, Anarchist.
Fernández Andújar, Francisco José.
A History of Anarchism in Granada Through Its Documents.
Ferrero, Argimiro.
Changes to the grave of Francisco Sabaté Llopart aka Quico, plus other anarchist fighters.
The Fight for History: a Manifesto.
Flowers for the rebels who failed: Rebellion in Patagonia by Osvaldo Bayer [Book Review].
Franzinelli, Mimmo.
On the (critical) use of police sources.
Galzerano, Giuseppe.
Interview with Giuseppe Galzerano - What's all this about a Bourbon plot?.
Garcia, Kike.
4th Historical Memory Cycle Ride: Pistolerismo in Zaragoza, 1920-1923.
Gascón, Antonio and Agustín Guillamón.
Antonio Martín Escudero (1895-1937), "The Durruti of the Cerdaña".
Gascón, Antonio and Agustín Guillamón.
The Rag-Pickers' Puigcerdá Manifesto: Fight for History.
Giuseppe Pinelli: not just our history, but everyone’s history.
The Great Swindle: 'This is not the tale of Salvador Puig Antich'.
Guillamón, Agustín.
Abel Paz, Anarchist and Historian.
Guillamón, Agustín.
Chatting on the Phone with Miquel Mir (22 April 2010).
Guillamón, Agustín.
De-constructing the Lies and Nonsense on the Monolith on Display in Puigcerdá.
Bofill, Txema and Agustín Guillamón.
Interview with Agustín Guillamón, historian of the working class revolution in Barcelona in 1936.
Guillamón, Agustín.
Memoirs of a FAI Gunman and a Chronicle of Anarchist Barcelona [Book Review].
Guillamón, Agustín.
The "Mir Affair", or the clergy's hatred of anarchists.
Helms, Robert P.
How to find Your Local Wobbly History.
Helms, Robert P.
New website: Dead Anarchists.
Helms, Robert P.
Nunzio Pernicone (1940-2013).
Helms, Robert P.
Ross Winn in the Anarchist Universe.
Hewetson, John.
Mat Kavanagh: A Tribute.
History and rebellion.
History Bandits.
The History of "Direct Action" (Australia).
Hoyt, Andrew.
The International Anarchist Archives: A report on conditions and a proposal for action [Conference Paper, 2011].
I Couldn't Paint Golden Angels by Albert Meltzer [Review].
Imanol, -.
How Libertarian Memory in France Was Usurped and Manipulated: a Story of a Theft.
Imanol, -.
How Libertarian Memory was Hijacked South of the Pyrenees. The Story of a Theft.
Imanol, -.
Updated information about Manuel Huet and those close to him.
Information Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library And Documentation Centre, No.2, Summer 1986.
Introductory note for Blind Spot : Manuel Huet and the libertarian underground in France.
Invisible or just underrated? Thoughts on anarchist solidarity with the Miners’ Strike of 1984-85.
Jacinto Lives! Memories from St. Louis.
The Kate Sharpley Library.
The Kate Sharpley Library and Stuart: an appreciation.
Kate Sharpley Library collective interviewed by the Tyneside Anarchist Archive.
The Kate Sharpley Library December 1992 Press Release.
The Kate Sharpley Library wiki: would you like to help make history?.
Kate Sharpley: what do we know?.
Kavanagh, Mat.
Death of John Humphrey.
Ken Weller (1935-2021) and ‘Don’t be a Soldier!’.
Library News (October 2014).
Library Notes (August 2014).
Liz Willis.
Longmore, Col.
Some notes on the founding of the Kate Sharpley Library.
Looking back at the back issues.
MacSimóin, Alan.
Interview with Alan MacSimóin of the Irish Anarchist History Archive.
Making Sense of Anarchism: Errico Malatesta’s experiments with revolution 1889-1900 by Davide Turcato [Book review].
Manifesto from the Ateneu Enciclopèdic Popular (Barcelona): an injustice in need of repair.
Mariño, Henrique.
Nine Crosses Bend: One Village's Resistance to Falangist Barbarism.
Maximoff, G. P.
Maximoff on the Russian Counter-Revolution.
May '68 and its Afterlives [Review].
McKenna, Edward.
Ready for Revolution : The CNT Defense Committees in Barcelona, 1933-1938. [Book Review].
Meltzer, Albert.
1926: The Watershed of Class History.
Meltzer, Albert.
Albert Meltzer quotes.
Meltzer, Albert.
The Labour Movement in Spain : Albert Meltzer on Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalism.
Meltzer, Albert.
The Lessons of History.
Meltzer, Albert.
Liars and Liberals (Black Flag supplement no.3).
Meltzer, Albert.
Liars and Liberals – the other anarchism. The Woodcock-Sansom school of falsification.
Meltzer, Albert.
The nature of nonviolent fascism and the George Woodcock myth.
Meltzer, Albert.
The Problems of Anarchist History.
Meltzer, Albert.
The Purpose of History.
Meltzer, Albert.
Truth or Dare.
Meltzer, Albert.
Why can't I see it yet?.
Meltzer, Albert.
Wooden Horse [Jan/Feb 1975].
Mercier Vega, Louis.
Rejecting the Legend.
Mintz, Frank.
Anarchism by George Woodcock [Review].
Mintz, Frank.
Osvaldo Bayer 1927-2018: In Memoriam.
Alberola, Octavio and Xavier Montanyà.
The Life and Universe of anarchist Octavio Alberola [book review].
Moran, Jessica and Barry Pateman.
Alexander Berkman’s Prison Memoirs annotated: an interview.
Moran, Jessica.
To Spread the Revolution: Anarchist Archives and Libraries.
Morris, Dave.
Alan Woodward 1939-2012.
Osvaldo Bayer is Dead.
Pateman, Barry.
Anarchist History: confessions of an awkward pupil.
Pateman, Barry.
Barry Pateman is On The Edge.
Pateman, Barry.
Fighting the “monster of ignorance” [Book review].
Pateman, Barry.
The Kate Sharpley Library Then, Now and Next: An Interview with Barry Pateman.
Pateman, Barry.
Keeping Alive the Spirit of Revolt : Some thoughts on Albert Meltzer and his writings.
Pateman, Barry.
Mat Kavanagh and the History of Anarchism.
Pateman, Barry.
No More Mimosa by Ethel Mannin: A re-consideration and appreciation.
Pateman, Barry.
Rachel Hui-Chi Hsu. “Emma Goldman, ‘Mother Earth’ and the Anarchist Awakening” [Book review].
Pateman, Barry.
Ruth Kinna “Kropotkin: Reviewing The Classical Anarchist Tradition” [Book review].
Pateman, Barry.
‘Our Cause May Grow The Richer,’ Some thoughts on Billy MacQueen.
Patten, John.
Cargo cult interview with John.
Patten, John.
Emma Goldman : a documentary history of the American years, Volume 1, Made for America, 1890-1901. Edited by Candace Falk, Barry Pateman and Jessica Moran [Review].
Patten, John.
Librarian as cultural hero: Outwitting History by Aaron Lansky of the National Yiddish Book Center [Review].
Patten, John.
More than they could chew [Review of The Encyclopedia of Political Anarchy].
Patten, John.
Working Class History : The Making of the English Working Class by E.P. Thompson and Live Working or Die Fighting: How the Working Class Went Global by Paul Mason [Review].
Paul Avrich 1931-2006: a historian who listened to anarchist voices.
Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist by Alexander Berkman, annotated and introduced by Jessica Moran and Barry Pateman [Book review].
Protest against Italian government attacks on anarchist archives by the Centro Studi Libertari/ Archivio G. Pinelli.
Revolution in Spain. Review of: The CNT in the Spanish Revolution, Volume 1 by José Peirats Valls.
Russian anarchism: a clandestine movement in the 1920s and 1930s?.
A salute to Alexandre Skirda 1942-2020.
Scarceriaux, Jules.
The Commune.
Sharkey, Paul.
Edgar Rodrigues (1921-2009).
Shipway, Mark.
Anton Pannekoek, Workers' Councils and For Workers' Power: The Selected Writings of Maurice Brinton [Review].
Slaughter or slander? Notes on the Albert Meltzer-George Woodcock conflict.
Some thoughts on Alexander Berkman.
The Spanish Revolution: In Their Words.
Strikers, Hobblers, Conchies & Reds : The Bristol Radical History Group book.
The stuff of history.
Support the Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo one of the largest anarchist archives in the world.
Tell me a story - anarchist history project.
Téllez Solà, Antonio.
Eduardo Guzmán – libertarian journalist and historian.
Terry Liddle (1938-2012).
Thoughts on Anarchism in ‘the Thatcher years’.
A Treat to Read [Review of Anarchism, Séan M. Sheehan].
Unsettled Questions in Socialism & Anarchism at the International School.
Valerie Powels (1950-2011).
Venza, Claudio.
Remembering Diego Camacho AKA Abel Paz.
Warren, Richard.
Warren, Richard.
The misadventures of Ann and Archie [on the uses of history].
A Wee Black Booke of Belfast Anarchism and Down with the Fences! Battles for Commons in South London [Review].
The Wooden Shoe is on the other foot: examining a myth.
Yaffle, Professor.
Thoughts on anarchism, academia and history.
Yelensky, Boris.
Circular appeal for funds to publish 'In the struggle for equality'.
‘Not a good look’? Reading Dave Cope on British anarchist publishing history.