Acrata, Librepensador and Paul Sharkey.
Antonia Fontanillas Borrás (1917-2014).
Adela García Murillo.
Aguayo Morán, Mariano, Freddy Gomez and Antonio Téllez Solà.
Los Maños : the lads from Aragon ; the story of an anti-Franco action group.
Aisa, Ferran.
Solidaridad Obrera, Clandestinity and Transition, 1939-1987.
Aisa Pampols, Manel.
Eduardo Pons Prades.
Alberola, Octavio, Alvaro Millán and Juan Zambrana.
Revolutionary activism: the Spanish resistance in context.
Alberola, Octavio and Ariane Gransac Sadori.
Spain 1962 : The Third Wave of the Struggle Against Franco.
Alexander, Richard.
The Assassination Attempt on Franco from the Air: 1948 by Antonio Téllez [Review].
Alexander, Richard.
The Battle for Spain: The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 [Review].
Alexander, Richard.
Free Women of Spain : Anarchism and the struggle for the emancipation of women by Martha Ackelsberg [Review].
Alexander, Richard.
Granny Made Me An Anarchist: General Franco, the Angry Brigade and Me by Stuart Christie [Review].
Amorós, Miguel.
The Durruti Column On Tour In Russia .
Amorós, Miguel.
José Pellicer.
Amorós, Miguel.
A look at the past: the revolutionary career of Joaquín Pérez.
Anarchist biography: José Ruiz Jiménez.
Anarchist Odyssey, or the Christie File expanded [Review].
Anarchists Should Never Forget: Salvador Puig Antich.
Anarcho-Syndicalism in Puerto Real : from shipyard resistance to direct democracy and community control.
The Anarcho-Syndicalist Guerrilla Curuxas.
Ángel Artigot Dead.
Angiolillo's Vengeance.
Antonio Téllez Solà: the man who taught us that there were some who never gave up.
An Appeal to the Public Conscience [Leaflet, 1952].
Araquistain, Luis.
A Socialist Exposes the Counter-Revolutionary Role of the Communist Party of Spain [Leaflet, 1939].
Arcos, Federico.
"You Experienced the War, I Experienced the Revolution!".
Arshinov, Peter.
The Spanish Revolution and the Russian Experience.
Asturies 1934 cover.
Augusto Moisés Alcrudo Solórzano.
Balius, Jaime.
Jaime Balius - In Self Defence: I Demand an Explanation.
Ballarín Aured, Manuel.
Antonio Téllez Solá, A Historian in the Service of the Forgotten.
Ballarín Aured, Manuel.
To the British Secret Service he was Agent 3004, Augustin Remiro.
Barbosa, Diego R.
Love, Sacrifice and Revenge Chapter one.
Basiliso Serrano Valero, 1908-1955.
Berneri, Marie Louise.
How the History of the Spanish War is written.
Blackwell, Russell.
The Spanish Revolution Revisited.
Blanco, Carmen, Antón Briallos, Eliseo Fernández and Paul Sharkey.
Anarchism In Galicia : Organisation, Resistance and Women in the Underground.
Blay, Juan Antonio and Coral Pellicer Veloso.
The Valencian Durruti [José Pellicer Gandía of the Iron Column].
Bone, Ian.
The Intransigents of the Iron Column [book review].
Book review: Guerrilla José Moreno Salazar remembers.
Bookunin, M.
Class War in Barcelona: "Anarchism and the City: Revolution and Counter-revolution in Barcelona, 1898–1937" by Chris Ealham [Review].
Brook, Stan.
Living Anarchism: José Peirats and the Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalist Movement by Chris Ealham [Review].
Busquets Verges, Juan.
Juan Busquets (former Maquis) on Ramón Vila Capdevila, his comrade.
Buenacasa, Manuel, Salvador Cano Carrillo and Valeriano Orobón Fernández.
Valeriano Orobón Fernández: Towards the Barricades.
Carl Einstein (1885-1940).
Carpena, Pepita.
Sisterly Solidarity.
Casanova, Julián.
Francisco Ferrer Guardia and Modern Education.
Christie, Stuart.
Amedeo Bertolo.
Christie, Stuart.
Antonio Martín Bellido, Madrid 1938-Paris August 17, 2014.
Christie, Stuart.
General Franco made me a 'terrorist' : 1964-1967 : the interesting years abroad of a west of Scotland 'baby-boomer'.
Christie, Stuart.
Luis Andrés Edo : Anarchist activist whose life was dedicated to the ‘Idea’ and the struggle for liberty.
Christie, Stuart.
Remembering Miguel Garcia.
Christie, Stuart.
We, the Anarchists! A Study of the Iberian Anarchist Federation.
Cleminson, Richard.
Anarchism, ideology and same-sex desire.
Collectivised Cinema.
Coming Soon Abel Paz, The Iron Column : Militant Anarchism in the Spanish Civil War.
A Cry in the Dark : May Day in Unredeemed Spain.
Cucurnia , Mauro (Maurin).
Giuseppe Petacchi (1907-1961).
Dan Mullen.
Dar la vida, por la vida (Give a life for life): Miguel Garcia Garcia (1908-1981).
The Death of Cerrada.
Dionisio Carrera Ruda aka "Pepe Banales".
Domingo Alvaro, Alfonso.
Melchor Rodríguez and Los Libertos.
Down with Franco! [Leaflet, 1946].
Down with war!.
Droescher, Werner.
Free Society : A German exile in revolutionary Spain.
Durruti, Buenaventura.
Durruti - Before The Storm.
Durruti in the Spanish Revolution by Abel Paz, translated by Chuck Morse, afterword by José Luis Gutierréz Molina [Review] .
Ealham, Chris and Julián Vadillo Muñoz.
Stuart Christie: In Memoriam.
Ensinger, Doris.
Doris Ensinger (1944–2020).
Facerías : Urban Guerrilla Warfare (1939-1957) ; The Libertarian Movement's Struggle Against Francoism in Spain and in Exile by Antonio Téllez Solà [Book Review].
Fagin, Sophia.
The "Uncontrollables" in Spain.
Fernández Andújar, Francisco José.
A History of Anarchism in Granada Through Its Documents.
Fernández Andújar, Francisco José.
Who was Francisco Maroto del Ojo?.
Aguzzi, Aldo and Andrea Ferrari.
Pages from Italian Anarchist History"(The Anarchism of the Cervi Brothers by Andrea Ferrari, and Italian Anarchist Volunteers in Barcelona and the Events of May 1937 by Aldo Aguzzi)".
Ferrer y Guardia, Francisco.
Against Bull-Fighting and Human Exploitation.
Ferrero, Argimiro.
Changes to the grave of Francisco Sabaté Llopart aka Quico, plus other anarchist fighters.
Ferrero, Argimiro.
Elio Ziglioli, an Italian in the anarchist guerrilla struggle: the story of a return.
The Fight for History: a Manifesto.
Finzi, Paolo.
Emilio Canzi : an Anarchist partisan in Italy and Spain.
Free Society: A German exile in revolutionary Spain by Werner Droescher [Book Review].
G., Miguel.
The 1918 flu pandemic in the CNT media.
Garcia Garcia, Miguel.
1952: Barcelona executions, global protests (Case number 658-IV-49).
Garcia Garcia, Miguel.
Caraquemada (Burnt Face).
Garcia Garcia, Miguel.
El Catalá.
Garcia Garcia, Miguel.
José Pérez Pedrero.
Garcia Garcia, Miguel.
Looking back after Twenty Years of Jail : Questions and Answers on the Spanish Anarchist Resistance.
Garcia Garcia, Miguel and Albert Meltzer.
Miguel Garcia's Story.
Garcia Garcia, Miguel.
Unknown Heroes : Biographies of Anarchist Resistance Fighters.
Garcia Garcia, Miguel.
Unknown heroes [El Negret and El Valenciá].
Garcia Guirao, Pedro.
Charlatan Stew, ed., News of the Spanish Revolution: Anti-authoritarian Perspectives on the Events [Book review].
García Morales, Francisco.
Juan Alcaraz Saura: An Exemplary CNT Life.
Garcia Oliver, Juan.
My Revolutionary Life : Juan Garcia Oliver interviewed by Freddy Gomez.
Garcia Oliver, Juan.
Wrong Steps : Errors in the Spanish revolution.
García Polanco, Bernabé.
A workman is sitting on a tram....
Gascón, Antonio and Agustín Guillamón.
Antonio Martín Escudero (1895-1937), "The Durruti of the Cerdaña".
Gascón, Antonio and Agustín Guillamón.
The Rag-Pickers' Puigcerdá Manifesto: Fight for History.
Gatamoix, Germinal.
Prison Gates.
Georgette Kokoczinski (la mimosa).
"Germinal" Is Dead [Obituary of Victor Garcia / Tomás Germinal Gracia Ibars].
Goldman, Emma.
The Political Soviet Grinding Machine.
Granny made me an Anarchist, General Franco, the Angry Brigade and Me by Stuart Christie [Review].
A grass root C.N.T. militant Remembers : The oral memoirs of Luis Parés Adán.
Graus i Alomà, Ramon.
Josep Maria Alomà.
The Great Swindle: 'This is not the tale of Salvador Puig Antich'.
Guillamón, Agustín.
Ada Martí (1915-1960).
Carballeira Mombrió, Ángel and Agustín Guillamón.
The Affinity Group That Published the Underground Anarchist Paper, Alerta!.
Guillamón, Agustín.
Antonio ORTIZ (1907-1996).
Guillamón, Agustín.
Chatting on the Phone with Miquel Mir (22 April 2010).
Guillamón, Agustín.
The CNT defense committees in Barcelona 1933–1938: An interview with Agustín Guillamón.
Guillamón, Agustín.
De-constructing the Lies and Nonsense on the Monolith on Display in Puigcerdá.
Guillamón, Agustín.
Distinguishing Between Defence Groups, Affinity Groups and Action Groups.
Guillamón, Agustín.
The Friends Of Durruti Group: 1937-1939.
Guillamón, Agustín.
From defense cadres to popular militias.
Bofill, Txema and Agustín Guillamón.
Interview with Agustín Guillamón, historian of the working class revolution in Barcelona in 1936.
Guillamón, Agustín.
Manuel Pérez Fernández, FAI founder and CNT organiser.
Guillamón, Agustín.
Memoirs of a FAI Gunman and a Chronicle of Anarchist Barcelona [Book Review].
Guillamón, Agustín.
The "Mir Affair", or the clergy's hatred of anarchists.
Guillamón, Agustín.
Ready for Revolution : The CNT Defense Committees in Barcelona, 1933-1938.
Guillamón, Agustín.
Ricardo SANZ (1898-1986).
Guillamón and the Nebula.
Guillen, Abraham.
Anarchist Economics : An alternative for a world in crisis.
González, Manolo and José Luis Gutiérrez Molina.
Andalusian Anarchism.
Gutiérrez Molina, José Luis.
Love, Sacrifice and Revenge by Diego R. Barbosa.
Gutiérrez Molina, José Luis.
Rafael Garcia Muñoz : A Micro-biography.
Heath, Nick.
Vicente (Vincent) Marti 1926-2006.
Hodgart, Rhona M.
Ethel MacDonald : Glasgow woman anarchist.
Hong, Nhat.
Of the Book and the Deed: A Tribute to Stuart Christie.
Imanol, -.
The action groups hardly anybody talks about.
Imanol, -.
Anarchist Columns and Their Guerrilla Teams During the Civil War.
Imanol, -.
Back in the days when your name might bring you to grief.
Imanol, -.
Blind Spot : Manuel Huet and the libertarian underground in France.
Imanol, -.
The Die-Hards and Their Activities Relating to Trans-Pyrenean Invasions.
Imanol, -.
Expropriation as a Weapon against Capitalism.
Imanol, -.
Further Data on Riojan Involvement in Guerrilla Groups in France and Spain.
Imanol, -.
The Gómez Talón Group, One of the Earliest Guerrilla Groups Operating in Barcelona in 1939.
Imanol, -.
How Libertarian Memory was Hijacked South of the Pyrenees. The Story of a Theft.
Imanol, -.
In the Footsteps of the Libertarian 'del Rio' Battalion and Its Fight Against the Nazis in the Ariege and Haute Garonne Departments of France.
Imanol, -.
The Involvement of Spanish Libertarian Women in the French Resistance.
Imanol, -.
The Libertador Group, the Future Ponzán Network in Embryo.
Imanol, -.
The Libertarian Underground in France: Part One: Forgery.
Imanol, -.
Manuel Ramos Rueda, commander of the 2nd Spanish Guerrilla Agrupación.
Imanol, -.
Marcelino Massana, a Wit and Character Right to the Grave.
Imanol, -.
María Lozano Molina, Poet, Activist and Woman-At-Arms.
Ester Borrás, José and - Imanol.
The Massana Gang.
Imanol, -.
The Patacons, a libertarian band in the Prades Mountains.
Imanol, -.
A Roll-call of Female Participants in the Guerrilla War against Franco: An Updated list of Women who took Part in the Post-civil War Direct Fight against Francoism.
Imanol, -.
The UJA, One of the Very First Groups to Fight Francoism.
Imanol, -.
Unknown and Essential. Forgers and the Libertarian Underground.
Imanol, -.
Women and The Guerrilla War.
Imanol, -.
Women's participation in the Allied escape lines.
Iñíguez, Miguel.
The Iron Column (Columna de Hierro).
Iñíguez, Miguel and Paul Sharkey.
Maria Lozano Molina.
Iñíguez, Miguel.
Pérez Navarro, Joaquín.
Introduction: Ready for Revolution.
Introduction to 'A Life For Anarchy: A Stuart Christie Reader'.
Izquierdo, José.
José Manuel Montoro aka Chaval.
Jarry, Eric.
Armand Guerra (1886-1939) Movie-maker and Pioneer of Militant Movie-making.
Jiménez Cubero, José Antonio.
Carmelo Romero Ortega AKA Pepe AKA Pinche.
Jiménez Cubero, José Antonio.
The Cazalla de la Sierra CNT's Female Domestic Staff Union.
Joaquín Pérez Navarro 1907-2006.
José Maria Villegas (1917-2008).
Julia Romera Yañez.
Kaminski, H. E.
A peasant experiment [libertarian communism in revolutionary Spain].
Christie, Stuart, G. Cresciani, Mike Donovan, Buenaventura Durruti, Paolo Finzi, Don Hamerquist, Anna Key, Errico Malatesta, Rudolf Rocker and Dr. Gerhard Wartenberg.
Beating Fascism : Anarchist anti-fascism in theory and practice.
Altgeld, John P., Luigi Bertoni, Adolph Fischer, Pietro Gori, William Holmes, Anna Key, Louis Lingg, Nestor Makhno, John Quail and August Spies.
Mayday and Anarchism : Remembrance and Resistance From Haymarket to Now.
Bourne, Randolph, Ricardo Flores Magón, Gustave Hervé, Anna Key, Louis Lecoin, Pierre Ruff and An Uncontrollable from the Iron Column.
No war but the class war! Libertarian anti-militarism then and now.
Aisa, Ferran, Gilles Dauvé, Julien Dreux, Anna Key, Javier Ortiz, Mateo Rello and Carles Sanz.
Salvador Puig Antich and the MIL (Moviemiento Iberico de Liberacion).
KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 46-47, July 2006 [Double issue].
Lajo, Benjamin and Rafa Montaner.
La Jabalina (The Wild Sow): a Woman Shot for Standing by the Revolution [María Pérez La Cruz of the Iron Column].
Lazarevitch, Nicholas.
Failure of the Workers Alliance: A split in the Spanish U.G.T. is engineered by the Communists by L. Nicolas * In La Revolution Proletarienne (Paris).
Lazarevitch, Nicholas and Joseph Wagner.
Hi-Jacking the Revolution: L. Nicholas* reveals some interesting facts about the betrayal of Spanish Workers by the "friends" from Moscow. Translation and Introduction by Joseph Wagner.
Lazarevitch, Nicholas, Ida Mett and David Grigor’evich Polyakov.
Lest the Spanish Revolution Finish Up Like the Russian.
A Leaflet [protesting the execution of members of the Tallion group].
Lécera, an Aragonese village living amid Libertarian Communism.
Levine, Philip.
Francisco, I’ll bring you red carnations.
The Life Style Of Buenaventura Durruti.
Llorens, Ignacio de.
The CNT and the Russian Revolution.
López, Helena.
The Ateneu Enciclopèdic Returns to the Raval District of Barcelona.
Louzon, R. and Joseph Wagner.
Counter-Revolution in Spain by R. Louzon in the Paris La Revolution Proletarienne, under the title "Notes on Spain" Introduction and translation by Joseph Wagner.
Luis Arrieta de las Heras AKA Lagun (1920-1997).
MacDonald, Ethel.
The Anti-Worker Repression in Republican Spain.
Manifesto from the Ateneu Enciclopèdic Popular (Barcelona): an injustice in need of repair.
Liarte, Ramón and Elias Manzanera.
Iron Column: Testament of a revolutionary.
Marchetti, Giovanni.
Emanuele Granata, a Marsala Man in the Spanish Civil War.
Marín Silvestre, Dolors.
Barcelona July 1909: A City in Flames. Tragic week and the murder of Ferrer i Guardia.
Mariño, Henrique.
Nine Crosses Bend: One Village's Resistance to Falangist Barbarism.
Martinez, Miguel.
Spanish Anarchists in Exile in Algeria.
Marzocchi, Umberto.
Remembering Spain : Italian anarchist volunteers in the Spanish Civil War (first edition).
Marzocchi, Umberto.
Remembering Spain : Italian anarchist volunteers in the Spanish Civil War (second edition).
Mateo Otal, Raúl.
Evaristo Viñuales Larroy and Lorenza Sarsa Hernandez. Two Huesca schoolteachers' tale of love and revolution.
Mateo Otal, Raúl.
Obituary: Luis Lizán Pérez aka Perena.
Mateo Otal, Raúl.
Pedro Fernández Eleta.
Mateo Otal, Raúl.
Remembering Francisco Ponzán Vidal on the 60th Anniversary of His Death.
Christie, Stuart, Albert Meltzer and Philip Ruff.
I Couldn't Paint Golden Angels: Sixty Years of Commonplace Life and Anarchist Agitation.
Meltzer, Albert.
The Labour Movement in Spain : Albert Meltzer on Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalism.
Meltzer, Albert.
Spain: The Struggle Goes On.
Meltzer, Albert.
The Spanish Resistance: The People Named.
Memoirs of a Fighter [Miguel Garcia Garcia, Looking Back After Twenty Years of Jail: Questions and Answers on the Spanish Anarchist Resistance] [Review].
Mercier Vega, Louis.
Government Anarchists.
Mercier Vega, Louis.
Starting Over.
Mett, Ida.
In Spain: Socialists killing Socialists [1932].
Miller, Mitch.
Juan Gomez Casas Dies by Mitch Miller.
Miller, Peter.
Sabate: Guerrilla Extraordinary by Antonio Tellez [Book review].
Mintz, Frank.
Guerra, exillio y cárcel de un anarcosindicalista by Cipriano Mera [Review].
Miró Solanes, Fidel.
Fidel Miró's Last Interview.
Misfit by Jack White [Review].
Molina Mateo, Juan Manuel.
Francisco Ponzán Vidal [a tribute].
Alberola, Octavio and Xavier Montanyà.
The Life and Universe of anarchist Octavio Alberola [book review].
Montanyà, Xavier.
Stuart Christie, the Eternal Young Rebel Always in the Fight for Life.
Montsant del Priorat, R.
Spanish Women Anarchists: Libertad Ródenas.
Mr Batllori’s Death. The Friend of Ferrer.
Mulas Hernandez, José Luis.
The Asturian Commune of 1934.
Müller-Sewing, Hans.
Heinrich Friedetzky: One story among so many.
Nelles, Dieter.
Ferdinand GÖTZE (1907-1985).
Carpenter, Edward and Max Nettlau.
Revival of the Inquisition : details of the tortures inflicted on Spanish political prisoners.
News of the Spanish Revolution : Anti-authoritarian Perspectives on the Events.
Nikola Turcinovic (1911-1971).
No Pasaran!!! [Review of The Iron Column: Testament of a Revolutionary by Elias Manzanera and Unknown Heroes: biographies of anarchist resistance fighters by Miguel Garcia].
Not Just Spanish Bombs: The Return of The Christie File [My Granny made me an Anarchist, The Christie file part 1 1946-64] [Review].
NUM in Spain.
One Man's War in Spain : Trickery, Treachery and Thievery By Joaquín Pérez Navarro.
Orobón Fernández, Valeriano.
A las Barricadas!.
Ortiz, Javier.
Puig Antich, 30 Years On.
Páez Cervi, Emilia.
Martin GUDELL (1906-1993).
Palacio, Solano.
Spain under the reign of terror [1933].
Pateman, Barry.
The Spanish Revolution 70 years later.
Pateman, Barry.
“An Affirmation of that for which I have fought.”[1].
Orwell, George and Abel Paz.
The story of the Iron Column: militant anarchism in the Spanish Civil War.
Ealham, Chris and José Peirats Valls.
The CNT in the Spanish Revolution vol 1.
Ealham, Chris and José Peirats Valls.
The CNT in the Spanish Revolution vol 2.
Ealham, Chris and José Peirats Valls.
The CNT in the Spanish Revolution vol 3.
Pepita Carpena (1919-2005).
Pérez, Eduardo.
It All Began With Him: Xosé Villaverde, Galician Trade Unionism's Great Organizer.
Persici, Vertice.
Unknown Anarchists: Celso Persici.
Población, Félix.
The Stolen Child of Francoism's Last Female Shooting Victim, María Pérez Lacruz.
Preston, Paul.
Unknown Heroes: biographies of anarchist resistance fighters by Miguel Garcia [Review].
Ramón 'Mone' Cambra.
Rello, Mateo.
Catalunya, a Catalan-language "Soli".
Aisa, Ferran, Mateo Rello and Carles Sanz.
One Hundred Years of Workers' Solidarity : the History of “Solidaridad Obrera”.
Rello, Mateo.
A Planned Parenthood.
Rello, Mateo.
Solidaridad Obrera 1907-1939: Notes towards a history of CNT journalism.
Revolution and the State: Anarchism and the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 by Danny Evans [Review].
Revolution in Spain. Review of: The CNT in the Spanish Revolution, Volume 1 by José Peirats Valls.
Rico, Miguel.
Spanish Revolution: Interview with an Eyewitness & Participant (Miguel Rico).
Rise and Fall of the FAI [Review of We, the anarchists! A study of the Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI) 1927-1937].
Rius, Rafa.
A journey into libertarian historical memory; Casas Viejas, January 1933.
Rodrigues, Edgar.
Birth of the FAI: On The Origins Of The Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI).
Rodrigues, Edgar.
Manuel Pérez Fernández – Spanish cabinet-maker and anarchist.
Rodrigues, Edgar.
Retracing The Historical Roots Of The FAI.
Rodriguez Garcia, Melchor.
Tragic balance sheet : From April to April [1931-32].
Rodríguez Suárez, Joaquín.
Franco me hizo terrorista (Memorias del anarquista que intentó matar al dictador) by Stuart Christie Ediciones Temas de Hoy, S.A. Colección Historia Viva. Reviewed by Joaquín Rodríguez Suárez (Inspector of Prisons in Franco’s General Directorate of Prisons, DGP).
Rouillan, Jean Marc.
The Sten Gang.
Ruff, Philip.
The Albert Memorial: the anarchist life and times of Albert Meltzer, 7 January 1920-7 May 1996.
Ruff, Philip.
Hermanos! by William Herrick [Review].
Ruiz (hijo), Vicente and Vicente Ruiz Gutiérrez.
In memory of a revolutionary Spanish anarchist : A biography of Vicente Ruiz Gutiérrez.
Sabate Llopart, Francisco.
El Combate, October 1955 [front page only].
Salvador Puig Antich & the Movimiento Ibérico de Liberación [Review].
Salvador Puig Antich: verdict overturned.
Santos Cortes, Militiaman, ever at the ready.
Sanz, Carles.
Solidaridad Obrera 1976-2006: A look back at the history of CNT journalism over the last 30 years.
Schapiro, Alexander.
The USSR and the CNT: an unconscionable stance.
Segura, Antoni.
Luis Andrés Edo (1925-2009).
Sharkey, Paul.
Antonio Fournerakis : brief biography.
Iñíguez, Miguel and Paul Sharkey.
Rodriguez Garcia, Melchor.
Sharkey, Paul.
Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalism, 1868-1936.
Sharkey, Paul.
The story of the Moscow gold: How the Spanish war was lost.
Sharkey, Paul.
Vladimiro Muñoz 1920-2004.
A Short Outline of Francoist Repression of the CNT in Tenerife (1936-1937).
Skirda, Alexandre.
Facing the Enemy: A History of Anarchist Organization.
Slaughter or slander? Notes on the Albert Meltzer-George Woodcock conflict.
Some Militants of the CNT.
The Spanish Revolution: A brief introduction by Charlatan Stew.
The Spanish Revolution: In Their Words.
The Spanish Sacco and Vanzetti: Granados and Delgado.
Stanley, Gwen.
The Iron Column: testament of a revolutionary by Elias Manzanera [Review].
Strafelini, Emilio.
Emilio Strafelini, a letter from Gurs camp.
Suggestions for Further Reading [on the Spanish Revolution] by Charlatan Stew.
Support the Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo one of the largest anarchist archives in the world.
Christie, Stuart and Antonio Téllez Solà.
Anarchist international action against Francoism from Genoa 1949 to The First Of May Group.
Téllez Solà, Antonio and Francesc Torres.
The anarchist resistance to Franco.
Christie, Stuart, Albert Meltzer and Antonio Téllez Solà.
The Assassination Attempt On Franco From The Air, 1948.
Téllez Solà, Antonio.
Cesar Terron Abad (1915-1941).
Téllez Solà, Antonio.
Eduardo Guzmán – libertarian journalist and historian.
Téllez Solà, Antonio.
Facerías : Urban Guerrilla Warfare (1939-1957).
Téllez Solà, Antonio.
The first guerrillas In Cantabria.
Téllez Solà, Antonio.
History of a Guerilla Band: The three Jubiles brothers.
Téllez Solà, Antonio.
The Libertarian movement in the fight against Franco (1962-1974) : The Internal Defence agency (DI) and the Iberian Libertarian Youth Federation’s (FIJL) First of May Group.
Téllez Solà, Antonio.
Marcelino de la Parra, Anarcho-syndicalist Guerrilla from León.
Téllez Solà, Antonio.
On the Guerrilla War on Francoism in Cordoba. Norberto Castillejo Jiménez aka Veneno.
Téllez Solà, Antonio.
Sabate: guerrilla extraordinary.
Téllez Solà, Antonio.
The Unsung Struggle : Resistance to Franco 1939-1951.
Thirty Years on From the Execution of Salvador Puig Antich His sisters are to try to reopen the trial that led to his being garrotted.
Carpio, Campio, Antonio Jiménez and Salvador Torrents.
The Anarchists and the Social Revolution: Interviewing Salvador Torrents in Australia.
Uncontrollable from the Iron Column, An.
A Day Mournful and Overcast.
Vadillo Muñoz, Julián.
Canuto Pedro Marcos Centenera.
Vadillo Muñoz, Julián.
César Broto Villegas.
Vadillo Muñoz, Julián.
Cipriano Mera: Portrait of a Battler.
Valadas, Jorge.
Review of Ready for Revolution, by Jorge Valadas.
Valerie Powels (1950-2011).
Varga Rivas, Antonio.
Antonio Varga Rivas, interviewed by members of the SOV in Adra.
Venza, Claudio.
Remembering Diego Camacho AKA Abel Paz.
Vicente Monclús Guallar, Spanish Libertarian victimised in the USSR.
Villanueva Herrero, José Ramón.
1947, a Big Year for the Maquis in Teruel.
Voline, Leo.
Interview with Leo Voline.
Schapiro, Alexander and Joseph Wagner.
Class Collaboration – Old and New by Joseph Wagner : A timely reminder of working class political experience, and A. Shapiro's Open Letter to the C.N.T..
Wessels, Astrid.
River Plate anarchist militants in the Spanish libertarian movement.
White, Jack.
The Meaning of Anarchism : theory illuminated by recent practice in Spain.
White, Jack.
A Rebel in Barcelona: Jack White's first Spanish impressions.
Wood, Bill.
A Soldier Returns.
Workers War to Stop Fascism: Reports on the Events in Spain by the Secretariat of the International Workingmen's Association.