Labour/Labor movement
Alexander Berkman The Blast introduced by Barry Pateman [Review].
Allen, Ernest John Bartlett.
Revolutionary Unionism!.
Anarchist Communist Memories of the Miners Strike [Pamphlet Review].
Anti-Militarist Activities in New York.
Anti-Militarist League of New York leaflet for protest meeting Mulberry Park May 1 1914.
Anti-Militarist League of New York leaflet for protest meeting Union Square April 25 1914.
Archibald, Malcolm and Aleksandr Moiseyevich Atabekian.
The English Master.
Austin, Kate.
The Workers and the Strike.
Barker, John.
Thomas Pynchon's "Against the Day" [Review].
Bayer, Osvaldo, Scott Nicholas Nappalos and Joshua Neuhouser.
Rebellion in Patagonia.
Berkman, Alexander and Barry Pateman.
The Blast.
Biggins, Brian.
The day we took the white tower [Price Waterhouse occupation, Glasgow, 1984].
Black, M.
A State of Siege and The Iron Fist, both reports by Trade Unionists to the Yorkshire Area NUM. [Review].
Brown, Tom.
British syndicalism: pages from labour history.
Brown, Tom.
Fighting for the nine-hour day.
Brown, Tom.
The Internationale [1942].
Brown, Tom.
Into battle with the bazooka bands (Pages of Labour history).
Brown, Tom.
School for Syndicalism.
Brown, Tom.
Tom Brown's syndicalism.
Brown, Tom.
What’s Wrong with the Unions? A Syndicalist Answer.
Calverton Colliery [Picketing report, 1984].
Carrington [power station picketing report].
Casanova, Julián.
Francisco Ferrer Guardia and Modern Education.
Cheverton, Guy.
For real industrial action (opinion).
Class struggle anarchism [A punk on the picket line, 1985].
Collet, Cécile.
Time Capsule a Reminder of Anarchist Struggles [Lausanne].
Congress Plans Solidarity Action [Direct Action report on Burnley Congress for Industrial Action].
Cores, George.
William (Woolf) Wess Obituary: Death of Anarchist Veteran; Echo of Bryant and May Strike.
DAM NUM Congress [Burnley Congress for Industrial Action, 1985].
[Daniel Mullen obituary].
[Debating the Miners’ Strike 1] The Miners and the Left.
[Debating the Miners’ Strike 2] Letter: [The Miners and the Left].
[Debating the Miners’ Strike 3] Letter: The Miners’ Strike and the Anarchists.
[Debating the Miners’ Strike 4] [Letter: Anarchists and the Miners’ strike].
Dreyfus, -.
Miner Conflict – Major Impact : an Anarchist Communist perspective on the Miners' Strike 1984-85.
Dubovik, Anatoly.
Russian Anarchists in the Labour Movement in the Early 20th Century.
Edelsohn, Rebecca (Becky).
The anarchist response to war and labor violence in 1914: Rebecca Edelsohn, Alexander Berkman, anti-militarism, free speech and Hunger Strikes.
An Englishman’s Home. An Appeal to Reason [leaflet, 1909].
Equity, -.
The Struggle in the Factory; history of a Royal Ordnance Factory, Dalmuir R.O.F.
Ernestan, -, Nick Heath and Richard Warren.
You Anarchist, You!.
Falcone, Sergio.
Giuseppe Pinelli, Anarchist.
Fedeli, Ugo.
A Veil Lifted: Francesco Ghezzi, Prisoner of the GPU.
Fernández Andújar, Francisco José.
A History of Anarchism in Granada Through Its Documents.
Ferreira da Silva, Liana.
The Role of Women in Working Class Activity in the City of Santos, Brazil.
Fighting For Ourselves: Anarcho-syndicalism and the Class Struggle by the Solidarity Federation [Book Review].
Flowers for the rebels who failed: Rebellion in Patagonia by Osvaldo Bayer [Book Review].
G., Miguel.
The 1918 flu pandemic in the CNT media.
Galleani, Luigi.
Workers' Organizations.
Gatamoix, Germinal.
Prison Gates.
The German Emperor - Damn Him - and the flunkeys who cheer him [Leaflet, 1891].
Grace, Albert, Albert Meltzer and Joe Thomas.
Ludd no.1 15 May 1966.
Grace, Albert, Albert Meltzer and Joe Thomas.
Ludd no.2 29 May 1966.
Grace, Albert, Albert Meltzer and Joe Thomas.
Ludd no.3 13 June 1966.
Grace, Albert, Albert Meltzer and Joe Thomas.
Ludd no.4 22 June 1966.
Haymarket: A Novel by Martin Duberman [Review].
Help Needed Now More Than Ever.
The Hungarian Workers’ Revolution by the Syndicalist Workers’ Federation.
Imanol, -.
Blind Spot : Manuel Huet and the libertarian underground in France.
In Memoriam: May 1, U.S.A. [1944].
The International Socialist Workers and Trade-Union Congress of 1896. Shall Politicians Boss It? [Leaflet].
Invisible or just underrated? Thoughts on anarchist solidarity with the Miners’ Strike of 1984-85.
Jiménez Cubero, José Antonio.
The Cazalla de la Sierra CNT's Female Domestic Staff Union.
José Iglesias Sada.
Jules Scarceriaux. Anarchist.
Kavanagh, Mat.
Chris Jones [Chris Braithwaite].
Ken Weller (1935-2021) and ‘Don’t be a Soldier!’.
Kinnochio speaks and his nose starts to grow.
Kinnock Pleads For Government.
Kordatou, Gianni.
Greek Workers' Movement in Egypt 1872-1911.
Lamberet, Renée.
Emile Pouget : a biography.
Lamendola, Francesco.
Remembering Luigi Fabbri.
Letter [Anarchist and Plymouth support for miners strike].
De Lisle, Jean.
Letter to Spain and the World re: the movement in Australia.
Llorens, Ignacio de.
The CNT and the Russian Revolution.
Lucien Tronchet (1902-1981).
Lum, Dyer D.
Philosophy of Trade Unions : An Essay Devoted to the Interests of the Thousands Who, in the Daily Struggle for Labor's Rights, do Battle for the True Freedom of the Human Race.
MacDonald, Ethel.
Revolutionary syndicalism in Britain.
Mace, H.
Walking in the old ruts.
Marcone, Dino.
British Miners’ Strike 1984-5.
Margarethe Faas-Hardegger.
May Day in the Land of the Pharaohs [1921].
McCartney, Wilf and Albert Meltzer.
Dare to be a Daniel!.
Gillo, Maria Esther and Juan Carlos Mechoso Mendez.
"Anarchists had more of a stomach for the fight": Interview With Juan Carlos Mechoso [2001].
Meltzer, Albert.
1926: The Watershed of Class History.
Meltzer, Albert.
The Bridge of Asses.
Meltzer, Albert.
[Debating the Miners’ Strike 5] The Miners & Social Change.
Meltzer, Albert.
The Humble Soapbox.
Meltzer, Albert.
Industrial Britain on the Move!.
Meltzer, Albert.
The Lessons of History.
Meltzer, Albert.
Transition and the right to well-being.
Meltzer, Albert.
Union-Bashing Economics [1975].
Meltzer, Albert.
Women Pioneers.
Meltzer, Albert.
Workers’ Control and the Wage System (Ideas: What is Anarcho-Syndicalism?).
Mercier Vega, Louis.
Pierre Monatte: no stripes, no rank.
Mesnil, Jacques.
Francesco Ghezzi according to Jacques Mesnil.
Mesnil, Jacques.
A prisoner of the G.P.U. : Francesco Ghezzi.
Mett, Ida.
In Spain: Socialists killing Socialists [1932].
Miners - the latest [Report on on visit to Nottinghamshire, 1984].
Miners [Report and analysis from Doncaster, 1984].
Miners update: The Next Step [August 1984].
Monster anti-military mass meeting 3 May 1914 Denver leaflet.
Moorhouse, Henry.
Mat Kavanagh [Letter].
More Hell Raisers Needed.
Morris, Dave.
Alan Woodward 1939-2012.
Morris, Dave.
Talking to Dave Morris about the Miners Strike, Wapping and Poland : A transcript of a conversation [April 2024].
Müller-Sewing, Hans.
Margarethe Hardegger: Anarchy, Bohemia and the Women's Movement.
Michel, Louise and Luc Nemeth.
Louise Michel's First Article in Le Libertaire (November 1895).
Nicoll, David.
The Labour War in Wales [1890].
Open letter to a British Socialist [1911 leaflet].
Ortalli, Massimo.
Augusto Castrucci (1872-1952).
Our May Day Manifesto.
Paonessa, Costantino.
What? Anarchists in Egypt! [Before 1916].
Pateman, Barry.
W. A. Gape Half A Million Tramps London: George Routledge and Sons Ltd, 1936 [Review].
Pateman, Barry.
‘Our Cause May Grow The Richer,’ Some thoughts on Billy MacQueen.
Pateman, Barry.
“An Affirmation of that for which I have fought.”[1].
Patten, John.
Working Class History : The Making of the English Working Class by E.P. Thompson and Live Working or Die Fighting: How the Working Class Went Global by Paul Mason [Review].
Pérez, Eduardo.
It All Began With Him: Xosé Villaverde, Galician Trade Unionism's Great Organizer.
Pinós, Daniel.
Alfredo López, Anarchist Founder of the Cuban Trade Union Movement.
Pouget, Emile.
The Basis of Trade Unionism.
Pouget, Emile.
Direct Action.
Ridley, Pete.
London, England [Letter about anarchist actions in support of the miners strike; bulletin contents].
Rocker, Rudolf.
The Beginnings of German Syndicalism.
Rocker, Rudolf.
On German Social Democracy.
Rodrigues, Edgar.
Manuel Pérez Fernández – Spanish cabinet-maker and anarchist.
Catalo, Pedro and Edgar Rodrigues.
Pedro Catalo.
Rodrigues, Edgar.
Santos - The Barcelona Of Brazil : Anarchism and Class Struggle in a Port City.
Rouillan, Jean Marc.
The Sten Gang.
Sharkey, Paul.
Ciriaco Duarte and Anarchism in Paraguay .
Sharkey, Paul.
Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalism, 1868-1936.
A short history of the 'Star of Peru' Bakery Workers' Federation (FOPEP).
Solidarity forever : the struggle goes on.
Something should be done (or How to revolt) [book review].
Syndicalist Programme of the Anarchist Federation [1943].
Archibald, Malcolm and V. T.
Bolshevik Concern for the Individual.
Taddei, Dino.
Alberto Moroni, the Gentle Anarchist.
Towards Industrial Action [Black Flag report on Burnley Congress for Industrial Action].
Brown, Tom and Peter Turner.
Controversy: Trade Unionism or Syndicalism?.
Walt, Lucien van der.
"Fight for Africa, which you deserve" The Industrial Workers of Africa in South Africa, 1917-1921.
Was the Miners Strike winnable?.
What Syndicalists Think: Anarcho-Syndicalists and the Miners Strike.
Whitaker, Robert.
The Striker [leaflet, circa 1942-43].
Whose Strike?.
Women in the Miners Strike.
Woodcock, George.
Introduction to Wilf McCartney's The French Cooks' Syndicate [Freedom Press, 1945] aka Dare to be a Daniel!.
Wullschleger, Léa.
The use and need for a union.