Ephemera and other treasures (digitised)
[5th November 1984 Day of Action in Support of the Mining Communities Leaflet].
The aims and principles of the Union of Anarchist Groups [1946].
Aldred, Guy.
Manifesto: The Industrial Union of Direct Actionists [1907].
Anarchist Communism * Its Aims and Principles.
Anarchist Federation aims and principles [circa 1943-1944].
Anarchist Federation commemoration of the Spanish Revolution [Leaflet, 1945].
Anarchist History roundup July 2024.
Anarchist Red Cross Ball, 10 February 1917.
Anarchy and freedom the basis of internationalism [Anarchist Communist Federation flier, late 1939].
The Anti-Conscription League [membership form].
Anti-Militarist League of New York leaflet for protest meeting Mulberry Park May 1 1914.
Anti-Militarist League of New York leaflet for protest meeting Union Square April 25 1914.
An Appeal to the Public Conscience [Leaflet, 1952].
Araquistain, Luis.
A Socialist Exposes the Counter-Revolutionary Role of the Communist Party of Spain [Leaflet, 1939].
Arbeiter Berlins heraus! Gebt Ghezzi frei! [FAUD protest leaflet in solidarity with Francesco Ghezzi, October 1922].
Bakunin anniversary meeting (New York, May 15th 1914) leaflet.
Becky Edelsohn protest leaflet, August 1914.
Becky Edelsohn protest meeting 10 August 1914 leaflet.
Berkman, Alexander.
Defence of the Revolution.
British Worker! Are you Pro-Prussian? [1915, anti-conscription leaflet].
Calling all London Workers! [May Day Demo leaflet, 1968].
Carpenter, Edward.
A letter relating to the case of the Walsall Anarchists, Reprinted from "Freedom" of Dec. 1892.
Cienfuegos Press price list of Flavio Costantini prints (1975).
Comfort, Alex.
How to read the newspapers (and listen to the news bulletins) [Leaflet, 1954].
Cores, George.
Proposed Labour Club and Institute, [Leaflet re: first meeting, Leicester, 1893].
Danger! Politicians at Work! [Anti-election Leaflet, 1951].
David Kogan (known as "little Christ").
Dick, James.
Anarchist gaoled : comrade Dick's speech from the dock.
Don't Vote: Organize! [Leaflet, 1974?].
Down with Franco! [Leaflet, 1946].
An Englishman’s Home. An Appeal to Reason [leaflet, 1909].
Errico Malatesta portrait.
Fascism : What it has done to the Italian people [1933].
Ferris, Tom.
Liars and Fools [Anti-war Leaflet, 1915].
Fight Conscription! The Anti-Conscription League: its object and basis.
Filippelli, Filippo.
Filippelli's Memorandum : Mussolini instigator of murder of Matteotti [1924].
Fleming, Chummy.
Chummy Fleming's Anarchy flag (State Library of Victoria).
Fleming, Chummy.
Letter and newspaper cutting about Mayday parade in Melbourne, 1927.
Flier for Leicester Anarchist meetings 1898.
Flier for Leicester Socialist League meetings 1889.
Flier for Voice of Labour January 1907.
For solidarity of all the world's workers: Against colonialism, fascism and war [Leaflet advertising meeting, May 1954].
France in Revolt [1939 leaflet].
Francisco Ferrer postcard.
Freedom and Satire financial appeal sheet July 1917.
The German Emperor - Damn Him - and the flunkeys who cheer him [Leaflet, 1891].
Glasgow Anarchist Anti-election manifesto.
The Glasgow Anarchist Federation calls on all Workers to Defend the Right of Free Expression [Leaflet, March 1945].
Grove, Janet.
The Anarchist: published by the Hammersmith Anarchist Group 1935 General Election Address.
The Houndsditch Tragedy and Anarchism : A Few Words to the People.
How to Stop Unemployment [Leaflet, 1908].
Humphrey, John.
The colour bar : origin and influence of colour in man [1930s].
Humphrey, John.
A Letter to Youth.
Humphrey, John.
Wanted order [Leaflet, Between 1931-36].
In the forthcoming elections.... Vote For Nobody / Don't Vote [Anti-election leaflet, 1987].
The International Socialist Workers and Trade-Union Congress of 1896. Shall Politicians Boss It? [Leaflet].
Invite to 75th birthday party of comrade Doris Wess-Zhook (1949).
Japanese High Treason Case protest meeting New York December 12 1910 leaflet.
Kate Sharpley Library information leaflet [1980s].
Kimmelman, Bessie.
1927 Letter re postcards, calling for release of imprisoned revolutionaries in Russia.
Kropotkin Goes Missing.
A Leaflet [protesting the execution of members of the Tallion group].
Leeds Anarchist Conference, 1912.
Leggatt, Ted.
The Brigands of West Ham [Leaflet, circa 1895].
Leggatt, Ted.
A Workman's Straight Talk to a Railway Company [Leaflet].
Lessons of the Revolutions in Germany and Austria Meeting flier (1925).
De Lisle, Jean.
Letter to Spain and the World re: the movement in Australia.
London 1901 Haymarket Commemoration and anti-Boer War meeting leaflet.
London 1911 Haymarket Commemoration meeting leaflet.
Louise Michel portrait.
Lying politicians [Leaflet, 1910].
Macartney, John Lowden.
The Rime of the Ancient Harridan, Or the Provost's Tax [around 1906].
Marie Louise Berneri Memorial Committee [Postcard, 1949 or 1950].
Marie Louise Berneri Memorial [Leaflet 1949 or 1950].
Mass meeting of Unemployed April 4 1914 Union Square New York leaflet.
MAY DAY, 1942 [leaflet].
McCartney, Wilf.
An anarchist worker's view of the A.R.P. appeal to "Bill" : dedicated to the proletarian youth movement.
A Meeting in Memory of Louise Michel [Leaflet, 1905].
Meltzer, Albert.
Author’s Apology : I couldn’t paint golden angels.
Monster anti-military mass meeting 3 May 1914 Denver leaflet.
Fountain, Frank and Johann Most.
Cover of Kommunistischer Anarchismus von John Most (illustration by Frank Fountain).
NCF [No-Conscription Fellowship] Dartmoor Prison Branch Grand Smoking Concert, Thursday 20 December [1917] programme.
November 1908 San Francisco Haymarket Commemoration leaflet.
Open letter to a British Socialist [1911 leaflet].
Our great empire [leaflet, 1910-11].
Archibald, Malcolm and Sergei Ovsiannikov.
Prison Nabat [Ekaterinburg] No.1, 16 August 1919.
The Paris Commune [Leaflet] 1886 celebration of the Paris Commune, London.
Peter Kropotkin portrait.
Pope, Allen.
Letter From Allen Pope to Tom Keell re: Spain and the World and Relief work for Republican Spain.
Robinson, John Beverley.
Excerpts from John Beverly Robinson.
Russia's "Third Revolution", The Inside Story of the Kronstadt Rising by I. Mett [Pre-publication leaflet, 1949?].
Spanish Anti-Fascist Fighters in Prison Camps in Britain! [Chorley Spanish Republicans protest leaflet, 1945].
Stratford Dialectical and Radical Club: Free lectures on the Sunday evenings in March and April [1882].
Structure of the National Confederation of Labour (The C.N.T.) Spain [Leaflet, 1937].
Tanner, P.E.
The Rules [Leaflet, 1914].
There's anger & rage inside the prisons [Ian Purdie and Jake Prescott Defence Group leaflet, 1971].
To the unemployed (reprinted from Freedom, January, 1903) [Leaflet].
Tucker, Benjamin Ricketson.
Quotations from Benjamin R. Tucker One of Americas foremost Anarchists.
Turner, John.
Freedom Publications Committee [Leaflet].
Unsettled Questions in Socialism & Anarchism at the International School.
Urgent Appeal [for Kotoku, in the Japanese High Treason Case].
Urgent appeal [for Kotoku, in the Japanese High Treason Case, with details of protest meeting].
Valpreda è innocente [Protest postcard, 1970].
W. A. Gape cigarette card.
Walsall Prisoners Benefit Concert Ticket [1900].
War Commentary letter sent with a sample copy [1941].
Ward, Colin.
Marie Louise Berneri Memorial Committee Circular Letter no.2 (November 1950).
We MUST Resist! anti-militarism, anti-conscription, anti-war, anti-government.
What use is the vote? An appeal to working women [Leaflet, June 1908].
Whitaker, Robert.
The Striker [leaflet, circa 1942-43].
WHO called for a CHURCHILL, SINCLAIR and ATTLEE Government? [leaflet, 1940-41].
Why not a Portworkers' Syndicate? [Leaflet].
Yelensky, Boris.
Circular appeal for funds to publish 'In the struggle for equality'.
Yelensky, Boris.
Cover letter for 'In the struggle for equality' (1958).
Youth - who gains from war? [Leaflet, 1938].