[5th November 1984 Day of Action in Support of the Mining Communities Leaflet].
The aims and principles of the Union of Anarchist Groups [1946].
Alexander, Richard.
Granny Made Me An Anarchist: General Franco, the Angry Brigade and Me by Stuart Christie [Review].
Allen, Ernest John Bartlett.
Revolutionary Unionism!.
Anarchist Black Cross Gala Concert Programme [1975].
Anarchist Communism * Its Aims and Principles.
Anarchist Federation aims and principles [circa 1943-1944].
Anarchist Federation commemoration of the Spanish Revolution [Leaflet, 1945].
Armstrong, E.N.
The Foundations of Catholicism : a searchlight on the lives and iniquities of the Popes [1933].
Bad days will end (101 years ago).
Bankovskis, Pauls and Philip Ruff.
Peter the Painter (Janis Zhaklis) and the Siege of Sidney Street.
Barker, Felix.
Look – No Bombs! [1955].
Barrett, George and Leonard Augustine Motler.
The Anarchist Revolution.
A beautiful idea: history of the Freedom Press anarchists by Rob Ray [Book review].
Berkman, Alexander.
Defence of the Revolution.
Bernabei, Alfio.
Decio Anzani.
Broad, Chris.
Anarchy and the art of motor-cycle maintenance [Or, Squatting in Ilford].
Calling all London Workers! [May Day Demo leaflet, 1968].
Caserio, Sante, Georges Etiévant and Jean Grave.
Anarchy on trial : being the speeches of George Etiévant, (sentenced to five years imprisionment on a charge of stealing dynamite cartridges), Jean Grave (sentenced to 2 1/2 years for publishing his famous book Societé mourant et l'anarchie), and Caserio Santo (who killed President Carnot), in 1894.
Christie, Stuart.
Edward Heath made me angry : 1967-1975 : the later memoirs of a west of Scotland 'baby-boomer'.
Christie, Stuart.
Remembering Miguel Garcia.
Cole, Clara Gilbert.
Parliament, The People's Enemy.
Commander Bomb Explodes.
Cores, George.
Personal Recollections of the Anarchist Past.
Cores, George.
William (Woolf) Wess Obituary: Death of Anarchist Veteran; Echo of Bryant and May Strike.
Corn, R.
The two communisms.
Danger! Politicians at Work! [Anti-election Leaflet, 1951].
Davies, Ann A.
The King and the Anarchist by "Libertas".
Design for Revolution [a report of an anarchist leaflet sending up police-press hype about the anti-Vietnam War demonstration, London, 27 October 1968].
Don't Vote: Organize! [Leaflet, 1974?].
Down with Franco! [Leaflet, 1946].
Eyges, Thomas B.
Ted Leggatt.
Fascism : What it has done to the Italian people [1933].
Feldman, Leah.
Letter dated 15/X/30.
Feldman, Leah.
Letter dated 16?/XII/31.
Filippelli, Filippo.
Filippelli's Memorandum : Mussolini instigator of murder of Matteotti [1924].
Flier for Voice of Labour January 1907.
For solidarity of all the world's workers: Against colonialism, fascism and war [Leaflet advertising meeting, May 1954].
Freedom and Satire financial appeal sheet July 1917.
The French Anarchists in London 1880-1914 (Constance Bantman); The Knights Errant of Anarchy[1] (Pietro Di Paola) [Book Review].
Garcia Garcia, Miguel and Albert Meltzer.
Miguel Garcia's Story.
Genesis of our group.
The German Emperor - Damn Him - and the flunkeys who cheer him [Leaflet, 1891].
Grace, Albert, Albert Meltzer and Joe Thomas.
Ludd no.1 15 May 1966.
Grace, Albert, Albert Meltzer and Joe Thomas.
Ludd no.2 29 May 1966.
Grace, Albert, Albert Meltzer and Joe Thomas.
Ludd no.3 13 June 1966.
Grace, Albert, Albert Meltzer and Joe Thomas.
Ludd no.4 22 June 1966.
Grove, Janet.
The Anarchist: published by the Hammersmith Anarchist Group 1935 General Election Address.
Grove, Janet.
Human Nature and Anarchism [1936].
Hawkes, Ken.
Chaired anarchist meeting in [Eighteen-]Eighties [Obituary of Ambrose Barker].
Heath, Nick.
Kitz, Frank, 1849-1923.
Helping Freedom.
Hewetson, John.
Mat Kavanagh: A Tribute.
Hewetson, John.
Mat Kavanagh – 70 and Going Strong!.
Hewetson, John.
Personal Paper: Gaol.
The Houndsditch Tragedy and Anarchism : A Few Words to the People.
How to Stop Unemployment [Leaflet, 1908].
The Humanity Crusaders.
Humphrey, John.
The colour bar : origin and influence of colour in man [1930s].
Humphrey, John, Mat Kavanagh and William Morris.
Ruling of man by man : a brief review of the history of ruling of man by man, and its disastrous effects on the well-being of mankind.
Humphrey, John.
Wanted order [Leaflet, Between 1931-36].
The International Socialist Workers and Trade-Union Congress of 1896. Shall Politicians Boss It? [Leaflet].
Invisible or just underrated? Thoughts on anarchist solidarity with the Miners’ Strike of 1984-85.
Invite to 75th birthday party of comrade Doris Wess-Zhook (1949).
Is Giuseppe Ressia ‘Joe the Tailor’?.
The Kate Sharpley Library December 1992 Press Release.
Kavanagh, Mat.
Death of John Humphrey.
Kavanagh, Mat.
Little Known Anarchists No: 5 - Dan Chatterton.
Kavanagh, Mat.
Some little known anarchists : Frank Kitz.
Kavanagh, Mat.
Some little known anarchists: James Harrigan.
Kavanagh, Mat.
Some Little Known Anarchists: Sam Mainwaring.
Keell, Thomas Henry.
Death of Malatesta.
Ken Williams, 1953-2020. Anarcho-syndicalist and militant anti-fascist.
Ken Williams Memorial.
Kitz, Frank.
Recollections and Reflections.
Kropotkin, Mikhail Aleksandrovich and John Turner.
An appeal to the young [with a foreword by John Turner 1932].
Archibald, Malcolm and Nikolai Alexandrovich Kropotkin.
My Memories of Peter Kropotkin.
Kropotkin, Peter.
Anarchism in socialistic evolution.
Kropotkin, Peter.
The Commune of Paris.
Lamb, Kitty.
[Letter of tribute to Lilian Wolfe].
Leggatt, Ted.
The Brigands of West Ham [Leaflet, circa 1895].
Leggatt, Ted.
A Workman's Straight Talk to a Railway Company [Leaflet].
Lessons of the Revolutions in Germany and Austria Meeting flier (1925).
- statement on London bombings.
London 1901 Haymarket Commemoration and anti-Boer War meeting leaflet.
London 1911 Haymarket Commemoration meeting leaflet.
London Anarchist Bookfair 2015.
London Protest Meeting [23rd September 1945, demanding released of interned Spanish anti-fascists].
Longmore, Col.
Some notes on the founding of the Kate Sharpley Library.
Looking for Decio Anzani.
Louise Bolotin 1961-2022.
Marie Louise Berneri Memorial Committee [Postcard, 1949 or 1950].
Marie Louise Berneri Memorial [Leaflet 1949 or 1950].
Martell, Sid.
Albert Meltzer: an obituary.
MAY DAY, 1942 [leaflet].
McCartney, Wilf.
An anarchist worker's view of the A.R.P. appeal to "Bill" : dedicated to the proletarian youth movement.
McCartney, Wilf and Albert Meltzer.
Dare to be a Daniel!.
A Meeting in Memory of Louise Michel [Leaflet, 1905].
Meltzer, Albert.
Bloomsbury's Anarchist [a tribute to Charlie Lahr].
Meltzer, Albert.
The Humble Soapbox.
Christie, Stuart, Albert Meltzer and Philip Ruff.
I Couldn't Paint Golden Angels: Sixty Years of Commonplace Life and Anarchist Agitation.
Meltzer, Albert.
The Italian Connection (The Italians in GB – Fascists and Anti-Fascists).
Meltzer, Albert.
Joe Thomas [obituary].
Meltzer, Albert.
Kate Sharpley's Story.
Meltzer, Albert.
Liars and Liberals – the other anarchism. The Woodcock-Sansom school of falsification.
Meltzer, Albert.
A Rebel Spirit (obituary of Leah Feldman).
Meltzer, Albert.
Women Pioneers.
Bakunin, Michael and Albert Meltzer.
Wooden Shoe No.1 [1967].
Milton, John.
The Liberty of Printing [pamphlet].
Morris, Dave.
20 years of organised anarchist, and related, activity in Haringey.
Morris, Dave.
Alan Woodward 1939-2012.
Morris, Dave.
Talking to Dave Morris about the Miners Strike, Wapping and Poland : A transcript of a conversation [April 2024].
Morris, William.
Monopoly, or, How Labour is Robbed.
Morris, William.
Useful Work versus Useless Toil.
Mr Batllori’s Death. The Friend of Ferrer.
Nettlau, Max.
Responsibility and solidarity in the labor struggle; also a review of the policy lately discussed by the German social democracy and Edward Bernstein.
New Books [Rebel Alliances, Anti-Fascist, Bending the Bars, Bash the Rich, Reviewed].
Notes on Centro Iberico.
Oakley, H.
Liberty Through Anarchist Communism.
Obituary: Leo Rosser.
Open letter to a British Socialist [1911 leaflet].
Our great empire [leaflet, 1910-11].
Our May Day Manifesto.
The Paris Commune [Leaflet] 1886 celebration of the Paris Commune, London.
Patchrider, Des.
The Couriers are Revolting : The Despatch Industry Workers Union 1989-92.
Pateman, Barry.
No More Mimosa by Ethel Mannin: A re-consideration and appreciation.
Pateman, Barry.
Worth a Second Look No. 1. Joseph Lane: An Anti-Statist Communist Manifesto. London: Joseph Lane, 1887.
Patten, John.
Albert Meltzer 1920-1996: a tribute.
Patten, John.
Portrait of the artist as a wanted man: Philip Ruff’s search for Peter the Painter.
Pietro Di Paola: The Knights-Errant of Anarchy: London and the Italian Anarchist Diaspora 1880-1917 (Liverpool University Press, 2013).
Pouget, Emile.
The Basis of Trade Unionism.
Read, Herbert.
'Freedom' and Freedom in 1945.
Rebel Voices Archive; Anarchist Library Project.
Richards, Vernon.
Vittorio Taborelli.
Ridley, Pete.
London, England [Letter about anarchist actions in support of the miners strike; bulletin contents].
Ruff, Philip.
The Albert Memorial: the anarchist life and times of Albert Meltzer, 7 January 1920-7 May 1996.
Ruff, Philip.
The Invisible Dictatorship [a short history of Anarchy magazine (second series)].
Russia's "Third Revolution", The Inside Story of the Kronstadt Rising by I. Mett [Pre-publication leaflet, 1949?].
Sadovska, Kristine.
See how Latvians BURN when they catch fire!.
Sheffield ’84 National Anarchist Conference.
Spain – Commemoration of the 19th July [London, 1941].
Spencer, Herbert.
The Right To Ignore The State.
[Stop the city].
Stratford Dialectical and Radical Club: Free lectures on the Sunday evenings in March and April [1882].
Structure of the National Confederation of Labour (The C.N.T.) Spain [Leaflet, 1937].
A Summer in the Park by Tony Allen [Review].
Swede, Oscar.
Tom Keell.
Tanner, P.E.
The Rules [Leaflet, 1914].
[The Freedom Press Library in 1979: Plans and problems].
There's anger & rage inside the prisons [Ian Purdie and Jake Prescott Defence Group leaflet, 1971].
Thomas, Joe.
Albert Grace.
To the unemployed (reprinted from Freedom, January, 1903) [Leaflet].
Meltzer, Albert and - Tone.
Letter and reply re: ‘Joe the Tailor’.
The Torch (no.1, November 1913).
A tribute to David Nicoll (1859-1919).
Turner, John.
Freedom Publications Committee [Leaflet].
Unsettled Questions in Socialism & Anarchism at the International School.
Varga Rivas, Antonio.
Antonio Varga Rivas, interviewed by members of the SOV in Adra.
Walsall Prisoners Benefit Concert Ticket [1900].
War Commentary letter sent with a sample copy [1941].
Ward, Colin.
Marie Louise Berneri Memorial Committee Circular Letter no.2 (November 1950).
A Wee Black Booke of Belfast Anarchism and Down with the Fences! Battles for Commons in South London [Review].
What use is the vote? An appeal to working women [Leaflet, June 1908].
Wilson, Charlotte M.
Anarchism and Outrage.
Youth - who gains from war? [Leaflet, 1938].
‘Not a good look’? Reading Dave Cope on British anarchist publishing history.