WHO called for a CHURCHILL, SINCLAIR and ATTLEE Government? The “Daily Worker” for March 30th 1939, displayed in front page headlines the following :—
“In a swift and sensational move to get practical action to save the country in the rapidly deepening crisis, Harry Pollitt, on behalf of the Communist Party of Great Britain yesterday, addressed to Major Attlee, leader of the Parliamentary Labour Party, Sir Archibald Sinclair, leader of the Liberal Party, and Mr. Winston Churchill, most prominent of the Conservative “rebels,” an appeal that they shall “get together without another minute’s delay.”
Attlee, Sinclair and Churchill have got together and are using the Working Class of Britain to defend the interests of the British Ruling Class. Did the C.P. expect them to do otherwise? No! Then if that is so, the C.P. have deliberately deceived their followers.
Workers! Boycott these Jesuitical People’s Frontists who masquerade as Communists. Stop looking for new Messiahs. Have faith in yourselves, and Working Class Solidarity. Turn your attention to the Industrial Field. This is where your Power lies.
Read “War Commentary” 2d. monthly.
Printed and Published by the Anarchist Federation. 127 George Street, Glasgow, C. [1?]