Aldred Of Glasgow.
Alexander, Richard.
Granny Made Me An Anarchist: General Franco, the Angry Brigade and Me by Stuart Christie [Review].
Anarchy and freedom the basis of internationalism [Anarchist Communist Federation flier, late 1939].
Araquistain, Luis.
A Socialist Exposes the Counter-Revolutionary Role of the Communist Party of Spain [Leaflet, 1939].
Biggins, Brian.
The day we took the white tower [Price Waterhouse occupation, Glasgow, 1984].
Bridgeland, Gina and Bob Jones.
John Taylor Caldwell 1911-2007.
Christie, Stuart.
My granny made me an anarchist : 1946-1964 : the cultural formation of a west of Scotland 'baby-boomer'.
Christie, Stuart.
The Sash, Hector MacMillan [Book Review].
Dick, James.
Anarchist gaoled : comrade Dick's speech from the dock.
Glasgow Anarchist Anti-election manifesto.
The Glasgow Anarchist Federation calls on all Workers to Defend the Right of Free Expression [Leaflet, March 1945].
Hodgart, Rhona M.
Ethel MacDonald : Glasgow woman anarchist.
Invisible or just underrated? Thoughts on anarchist solidarity with the Miners’ Strike of 1984-85.
Meltzer, Albert.
Frank Leech.
Meltzer, Albert.
The Humble Soapbox.
Robert Lynn, Glasgow 1924-1996.
Sheffield ’84 National Anarchist Conference.
Spreading the Word [Review:] John T. Caldwell, With Fate Conspire: memoirs of a Glasgow seafarer and anarchist..
Whitaker, Robert.
The Striker [leaflet, circa 1942-43].
WHO called for a CHURCHILL, SINCLAIR and ATTLEE Government? [leaflet, 1940-41].