Anarchist Federation/ Anarchist Federation of Britain (1930s-40s)
The 1945 split in British anarchism.
Anarchist Federation aims and principles [circa 1943-1944].
Anarchist Federation commemoration of the Spanish Revolution [Leaflet, 1945].
Brown, Tom.
Story of the Syndicalist Workers' Federation: Born in Struggle.
Down with Franco! [Leaflet, 1946].
Equity, -.
The Struggle in the Factory; history of a Royal Ordnance Factory, Dalmuir R.O.F.
France in Revolt [1939 leaflet].
Glasgow Anarchist Anti-election manifesto.
The Glasgow Anarchist Federation calls on all Workers to Defend the Right of Free Expression [Leaflet, March 1945].
London Protest Meeting [23rd September 1945, demanding released of interned Spanish anti-fascists].
Spanish Anti-Fascist Fighters in Prison Camps in Britain! [Chorley Spanish Republicans protest leaflet, 1945].
Syndicalist Programme of the Anarchist Federation [1943].
Whitaker, Robert.
The Striker [leaflet, circa 1942-43].
WHO called for a CHURCHILL, SINCLAIR and ATTLEE Government? [leaflet, 1940-41].