In the wake of World War II in Eastern Europe, a number of individuals with anarchist sympathies were able to escape to the West from the USSR. One of these was the engineer known only by the initials “V. T.,” a native of the industrial city of Dnepropetrovsk (today Dnipro) in Eastern Ukraine. He wrote a number of articles about life in the USSR for the Russian-American journal Delo Trouda-Probouzhdenie while living in a camp for displaced persons in France.
In the article below, he describes the mechanisms for control of the work force in a huge industrial plant in the USSR of the 1930s. As an example of this control, he recounts the plight of an exemplary worker who, like many Soviet citizens, had a dangerous, potentially fatal, secret in his past.
Translation and notes by Malcolm Archibald.
From: Delo Trouda-Probouzhdenie, No. 44 (January– April, 1954), pp. 24–26. Translated by: Malcolm Archibald.