A Life for Anarchy: A Stuart Christie Reader out now

A Life for Anarchy: A Stuart Christie Reader out now

A Life for Anarchy: A Stuart Christie Reader, edited by the Kate Sharpley Library is out now.

Without freedom there would be no equality and without equality no freedom, and without struggle there would be neither” —Stuart Christie

Stuart Christie (1946–2020) is best known for his involvement in the anarchist resistance to the Franco dictatorship in Spain. He also co-founded the Anarchist Black Cross, Black Flag and Cienfuegos Press – among many other publishing ventures.

This collection of articles has been put together as a tribute to his life by the Kate Sharpley Library collective. It contains some of his short political writings from the anarchist, radical and mainstream press; and some of his tributes to his friends and comrades. The final section contains a selection of tributes friends and comrades paid to him.

This book is not meant to be a crash course in modern anarchist history but simply a tribute to our friend who dedicated his life to “self-managed collectivism, individual freedom, solidarity and fun!”

ISBN 9781939202376 £14 or $18 (288 pages with index)

Available from AK Press in the States https://www.akpress.org/a-life-for-anarchy.html
and AK Press in Edinburgh https://www.akuk.com/a-life-for-anarchy-a-stuart-christie-reader.html


Every fascinating detail is footnoted, given context, or explained for better understanding. A great warm and inspirational memorial for a brave, thoughtful, passionate, and funny man.’ from the review by the Whistlestop Bookshop (Carlisle, Pennsylvania) https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/prr6r3

We need people who, when needed, do what is necessary; they take up the slack and show others the way forwards by their actions and clarity of thought; they show us how to work and to organise together. We need these “good examples” today more than ever before. I would have to guess here, never having had the privilege of meeting him, but from the accounts of his friends, family and comrades, Stuart Christie was clearly one such “good example”. He was, like so many of those activists whose life’s work he championed, someone whose actions in life inspired others to work towards the creation of a saner, more equitable society.’ from A ‘good example’ by Mark R. https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/w6mc21

There’s a vast amount here that I’d never read before, or if I did, it must have been years ago. Much is fresh and often surprising.’ from ‘A living book’ by Richard Warren https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/7h4631

The KSL editors have done a fine job collating these diverse texts. They also produced a brief and apposite introduction and a series of instructive footnotes that are used with economy and precision throughout. There is also a very handy glossary that will be helpful for younger readers and for those less familiar with the history of the European anarchist movement.’ from ‘Immense enthusiasm and optimism’ by Chris Ealham https://www.katesharpleylibrary.net/98sgvg

The journalist Ron McKay, who first knew of Stuart when his reason for appearing in the local Lanarkshire press was the length of his hair, recalls how when asked how he was, Stuart would always say things were “Tickety Boo”. And what better way to describe this rich, rambling, informative volume, with its many illustrations and cartoons, than to say that it is indeed just “Tickety Boo” – even if you don’t have a peat-fire’s glow to read it by.’ from ‘The power of self-organisation: Stuart Christie and anarchy in the UK and beyond’ by Duncan Campbell https://bellacaledonia.org.uk/2022/08/30/the-power-of-self-organisation-stuart-christie-and-anarchy-in-the-uk-and-beyond/ [30th August 2022]