The miners have now been on strike for over 5 months. The Govt. and its NCB lackeys, hadn’t expected so much resolution.
Their plan to provoke a strike and thus force a final showdown had clearly worked. But they had clearly underestimated the determination of the miners. Contrary to the media, the State and misinformed public opinion this strike has little to do with Arthur Scargill’s political ego.
The strike began because of the closure of Corton Wood colliery. Before Scargill realised what was happening the Yorks area was already on strike. Corton Wood was the bait, the destruction of the NUM the trap. The miners reacted in this way because they had been previously transferred there with a promise of several years work. It is too much of a coincidence that the NCB decided to close the pit only a few weeks after the transfer of miners had taken place.
Of course the miners had been offered alternative jobs and redundancy money. The redundancy money payment of £1,000 per/ years service would prove irresistible to a collier with 30-40 years service close to retirement age. But for a younger worker with say 10 years service, £10,000 (less tax!), less unemployment benefit, is close to sweet F.A. The alternative employment sounds fine providing you exchange like for like. Increasingly the skilled are being offered unskilled and thus lower paid work: an offer they cannot refuse. It is patently clear that the redundancy payment scheme, like the production bonus scheme which inflates the still pathetic miners wages, is just another way of putting worker against worker. It is, therefore, not surprising that the Corton Wood miners had the foresight to see clean through the NCB’s sham. They could do nothing else since unlike North Yorks and the Midlands, the South Yorks. miners haven’t got the luxury of a Selby or Belvoir. From this well planned incident the NCB sat back and waited to see the reaction of the colliers in Arthur Scargill’s backyard.
Macgregor had been appointed to the job of Chairman of the NCB for one purpose only. The Govt. had for many years being stockpiling coal – enough to be able to sit out a long strike. Add to this the Tory determination to destroy the miners union: a grudge held since the 70’s.
Many claim Thatcher is a fascist. This clearly is a nonsense not even worthy of the educated elite of the Left. What she is, however, determined to do is to restore the ‘lower orders’ to, what she and her class perceive as their proper station, at the bottom of the scrap heap.
When the strike began many demanded, in unison with the NCB propagandist and the simple-minded, a ballot. Many regret the timing. But on both counts the critics of Corton Wood miners were clearly clutching at straws. What could the NEC of the NUM do? Tell the miners on strike to go back to work and promise support when they have a better chance of winning? Allow a secret ballot in which those from secure pits (at least THEY THINK they’re secure), would vote away the livelihood of miners from small “unprofitable” pits? Clearly NO to both! If the so-called Left cannot comprehend the reason of the miners they should shut up and piss off – taking their elitist newspaper crap with them.
When the workers take two steps forward by what right do the Left claim to demand the miners should take two steps backward? If the Left can’t keep up with the miners they should drop out of the race instead of agitating for a ballot with the forces of reaction. The right of veto is an important one that should be used often but not at the expense of someone else’s job. There must also be a place for spontaneity of action.
The police have been used to perfection with a total disregard for their Law: they have harassed, arrested and downright brutalised the miners. Suddenly the “fair cop” image looks slightly tarnished. Once again State terror shocked many liberals but not the miners. The potential for oppression is always there but is rarely used on such a large scale. Significantly the police showed that they had learnt from previous disputes, notably in 1972 & 1974. The mass pickets now illegal were not going to triumph and haven’t worked. The NUM leadership despite this continue with this monumental waste of time – resulting in many arrests as proof of machismo.
It is clear that new irregular guerrilla tactics are urgently needed since the cops have far greater sweeping powers and are not afraid to use them! The use of hit and run against selected targets with the result that the police jam is spread thin and not the senseless push and grunt that goes on now. The promising use of the go-slow tactic on roads and motorways is a good tactic for example.
Another highlight of this dispute is the actions of the ‘petticoat pickets’ as the sexist media refers to the miners wives. Organising self-help groups, food collection and standing on the picket lines: promoting women’s liberation far more effectively than legwarmers and aerobics.
The NCB as expected championed the ‘right to work’ (sic.). The lonely miner in Scotland, the winder in Yorkshire all heroes for the day. The Govt. help this propaganda along by personalising this strike and succeeding to the point that many now believe Scargill responsible for the strike, a comparison can be seen with the recent D-Day lies – the Russians were the enemies, the Germans just misguided. Enter Silver Birch a latter day Scarlett Pimpernel rescuing 120,000+ intimidated miners from the Scargill guillotine. The endless stream of tear-soaked women appear on TV blaming it all on the Govt.’s favourite [pariah]. If the miners succeed in defeating the propaganda war it will be a miracle.
Whether as in some areas miners begin to drift back, as in Notts, to work yet remains to be seen. The NUM for their part need to turn the screw as soon as possible before its too late and the demoralisation of the constant anti-miner Media barrage takes effect. Whatever the outcome it is hoped that should the worst happen the miners don’t turn their humiliation into hatred of those delegated to carry out their mandate, and save it for the State, the enemy of us all.
Black Flag: Anarchist Fortnightly Vol VII, 6G, No.118 3/9/84