Miners' strike (1984-85)
[5th November 1984 Day of Action in Support of the Mining Communities Leaflet].
Biggins, Brian.
The day we took the white tower [Price Waterhouse occupation, Glasgow, 1984].
Black, M.
A State of Siege and The Iron Fist, both reports by Trade Unionists to the Yorkshire Area NUM. [Review].
Bookunin, M.
Ghost dancers: the miners' last generation by David John Douglass [Book review].
Bristol Class War, an ex-member of.
Crass and Class War in the Thatcher years, by an ex-member of Bristol Class War.
Calverton Colliery [Picketing report, 1984].
Carrington [power station picketing report].
Cheverton, Guy.
For real industrial action (opinion).
Class struggle anarchism [A punk on the picket line, 1985].
Congress Plans Solidarity Action [Direct Action report on Burnley Congress for Industrial Action].
DAM NUM Congress [Burnley Congress for Industrial Action, 1985].
[Debating the Miners’ Strike 1] The Miners and the Left.
[Debating the Miners’ Strike 2] Letter: [The Miners and the Left].
[Debating the Miners’ Strike 3] Letter: The Miners’ Strike and the Anarchists.
[Debating the Miners’ Strike 4] [Letter: Anarchists and the Miners’ strike].
Douglass, David.
Bores under the floor [a view of Anarchists in the Miners' Strike].
Dreyfus, -.
Miner Conflict – Major Impact : an Anarchist Communist perspective on the Miners' Strike 1984-85.
Dutch, French Unions Support NUM.
Help Needed Now More Than Ever.
Invisible or just underrated? Thoughts on anarchist solidarity with the Miners’ Strike of 1984-85.
Kinnochio speaks and his nose starts to grow.
Kinnock Pleads For Government.
KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 114-115, August 2024 [Double issue].
Letter [Anarchist and Plymouth support for miners strike].
Letter [Dutch anarchist solidarity with the miners strike: De Vrije].
Meltzer, Albert.
23 The State's Internal Enemy; Death Pangs of Fleet Street; Spanish Practices; The Battle of Wapping; The Emperor's Courtiers.
Meltzer, Albert.
[Debating the Miners’ Strike 5] The Miners & Social Change.
Miners - the latest [Report on on visit to Nottinghamshire, 1984].
Miners [Report and analysis from Doncaster, 1984].
Miners Update: Ammanford South Wales [July 1984, Including speech by CNT member].
Miners update: The Next Step [August 1984].
More Hell Raisers Needed.
Morris, Dave.
Talking to Dave Morris about the Miners Strike, Wapping and Poland : A transcript of a conversation [April 2024].
NUM in Spain.
Ridley, Pete.
London, England [Letter about anarchist actions in support of the miners strike; bulletin contents].
Rogers, P.N.
Letter [Bedford Anarchist Collective Day of Action, December 1984].
Sheffield ’84 National Anarchist Conference.
Solidarity forever : the struggle goes on.
Strike History [1984 call for information on anarchist solidarity with the miners strike].
Towards Industrial Action [Black Flag report on Burnley Congress for Industrial Action].
Was the Miners Strike winnable?.
What Syndicalists Think: Anarcho-Syndicalists and the Miners Strike.
Whose Strike?.
Women in the Miners Strike.