Becky Edelsohn protest meeting 10 August 1914 leaflet

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Massmeeting of Women 

Becky Edelsohn 

who is now imprisoned 
Blackwell’s Island 
Protesting Against War with Mexico 

Murray Hill Lyceum 
34th Street, near 3rd Ave. 
Monday, August 10th, 8 P.M. 
[1914, handwritten]
Doors open 7.30 


Sachs & Steinfeld. Union Printers, 12 Jefferson St., New York. 

[On 22nd April 1914 Becky Edelsohn was arrested for making an anti-war speech where she suggested the flag of the United States was not worth fighting for. The next day she was fined $300 and told to desist from public speaking or serve ninety days incarceration. She refused both punishments and was sent to the workhouse for ninety days where she declared a hunger strike. Released with the help of the Free Speech League she won the right to a retrial which took place on 20th July 1914. The original sentence was re-instated which she again refused to comply with. Sent to Blackwell’s Island prison she again declared a hunger strike which would last for thirty days. This leaflet was part of the campaign to have her released.

Bought with donations from supporters of the library ]