No single account will give the full version of what really happened, but it's better than just relying on newspapers which is what will happen otherwise. Not every anarchist has been involved in exciting events: you probably don't think you've had a particularly exciting life but the little things are what form history. You might want to give people the benefit of your experience. You might have some inspiring stories to tell - or maybe just funny ones! If you haven't kept a diary, some of the information might be a bit vague: but a few dates out of place doesn't mean it won't ever be useful.
You might not want to put some things in writing. Don't write anything you wouldn't want to come out in court! That said, it's better to give as much information as possible. Both because it's more interesting, and makes it easier to interpret. You can always give us your name, and ask us to use your initials. You can be anonymous. If you use a pseudonym, be a bit inventive: no more 'Emma Goldman's please. Tell us if it's OK to publish bits, or if it's meant to be stuck in a drawer for twenty years.
We don't want to cramp your style by giving you a questionnaire, but here's some ideas.
How did your involvement with anarchism start? What books, pamphlets or papers were important? What people and groups?
Where and how were you active? Did it change over time? What were the high and low points of your activity, or of the movement? What campaigns did you take part in? What did you read (and write)?
What ideas or particular strands of anarchism did you relate to - and how did that change?
We don't mind you giving us the whole picture of your life, if you want: you can be introspective as well as writing political analysis.
Anything you can put together will be welcome at the Kate Sharpley Library. At the very least, we will be able to preserve it for people to read in future. It's possible we could print selections, a mixture of 'voices from London Anarchists', maybe. Or New York, or wherever. Let us know what you think - and tell us a story.