Aguayo Morán, Mariano, Freddy Gomez and Antonio Téllez Solà.
Los Maños : the lads from Aragon ; the story of an anti-Franco action group.
Aisa, Ferran.
Solidaridad Obrera, Clandestinity and Transition, 1939-1987.
Aisa Pampols, Manel.
Eduardo Pons Prades.
Anarchists Should Never Forget: Salvador Puig Antich.
Antonio Téllez Solà: the man who taught us that there were some who never gave up.
Ballarín Aured, Manuel.
Antonio Téllez Solá, A Historian in the Service of the Forgotten.
Bookunin, M.
Class War in Barcelona: "Anarchism and the City: Revolution and Counter-revolution in Barcelona, 1898–1937" by Chris Ealham [Review].
Carpena, Pepita.
Sisterly Solidarity.
Casanova, Julián.
Francisco Ferrer Guardia and Modern Education.
Christie, Stuart.
Antonio Téllez Solà, the Herodotus of the anti-Franco maquis.
Christie, Stuart.
Luis Andrés Edo : Anarchist activist whose life was dedicated to the ‘Idea’ and the struggle for liberty.
Durruti, Buenaventura.
Durruti - Before The Storm.
Ferrero, Argimiro.
Changes to the grave of Francisco Sabaté Llopart aka Quico, plus other anarchist fighters.
Ferrero, Argimiro.
Elio Ziglioli, an Italian in the anarchist guerrilla struggle: the story of a return.
Garcia Garcia, Miguel.
Caraquemada (Burnt Face).
Gascón, Antonio and Agustín Guillamón.
Antonio Martín Escudero (1895-1937), "The Durruti of the Cerdaña".
Gascón, Antonio and Agustín Guillamón.
The Rag-Pickers' Puigcerdá Manifesto: Fight for History.
The Great Swindle: 'This is not the tale of Salvador Puig Antich'.
Guillamón, Agustín.
Abel Paz, Anarchist and Historian.
Guillamón, Agustín.
Ada Martí (1915-1960).
Carballeira Mombrió, Ángel and Agustín Guillamón.
The Affinity Group That Published the Underground Anarchist Paper, Alerta!.
Guillamón, Agustín.
Antonio ORTIZ (1907-1996).
Guillamón, Agustín.
Chatting on the Phone with Miquel Mir (22 April 2010).
Guillamón, Agustín.
De-constructing the Lies and Nonsense on the Monolith on Display in Puigcerdá.
Guillamón, Agustín.
Distinguishing Between Defence Groups, Affinity Groups and Action Groups.
Guillamón, Agustín.
From defense cadres to popular militias.
Bofill, Txema and Agustín Guillamón.
Interview with Agustín Guillamón, historian of the working class revolution in Barcelona in 1936.
Guillamón, Agustín.
Memoirs of a FAI Gunman and a Chronicle of Anarchist Barcelona [Book Review].
Guillamón, Agustín.
The "Mir Affair", or the clergy's hatred of anarchists.
Guillamón, Agustín.
Ready for Revolution : The CNT Defense Committees in Barcelona, 1933-1938.
Guillamón, Agustín.
Ricardo SANZ (1898-1986).
Imanol, -.
The action groups hardly anybody talks about.
Imanol, -.
The Crackdown on Women in the Guerrilla Orbit.
Imanol, -.
Marcelino Massana, a Wit and Character Right to the Grave.
Ester Borrás, José and - Imanol.
The Massana Gang.
Imanol, -.
The Patacons, a libertarian band in the Prades Mountains.
Imanol, -.
The UJA, One of the Very First Groups to Fight Francoism.
Jacquier, Charles.
Andre Prudhommeaux - Profile By Charles Jacquier (Forgotten anarchists No.1).
Aisa, Ferran, Gilles Dauvé, Julien Dreux, Anna Key, Javier Ortiz, Mateo Rello and Carles Sanz.
Salvador Puig Antich and the MIL (Moviemiento Iberico de Liberacion).
A Leaflet [protesting the execution of members of the Tallion group].
Levine, Philip.
Francisco, I’ll bring you red carnations.
López, Helena.
The Ateneu Enciclopèdic Returns to the Raval District of Barcelona.
Manifesto from the Ateneu Enciclopèdic Popular (Barcelona): an injustice in need of repair.
Marín Silvestre, Dolors.
Barcelona July 1909: A City in Flames. Tragic week and the murder of Ferrer i Guardia.
Montsant del Priorat, R.
Spanish Women Anarchists: Libertad Ródenas.
Nelles, Dieter.
Ferdinand GÖTZE (1907-1985).
Carpenter, Edward and Max Nettlau.
Revival of the Inquisition : details of the tortures inflicted on Spanish political prisoners.
Ortiz, Javier.
Puig Antich, 30 Years On.
Palacio, Solano.
Spain under the reign of terror [1933].
Rello, Mateo.
Catalunya, a Catalan-language "Soli".
Rello, Mateo.
Solidaridad Obrera 1907-1939: Notes towards a history of CNT journalism.
Rouillan, Jean Marc.
The Sten Gang.
Sabate Llopart, Francisco.
El Combate, October 1955 [front page only].
Salvador Puig Antich: verdict overturned.
Sanz, Carles.
Solidaridad Obrera 1976-2006: A look back at the history of CNT journalism over the last 30 years.
Segura, Antoni.
Luis Andrés Edo (1925-2009).
Sharkey, Paul.
Spanish Anarcho-Syndicalism, 1868-1936.
Some Militants of the CNT.
Thirty Years on From the Execution of Salvador Puig Antich His sisters are to try to reopen the trial that led to his being garrotted.
Valadas, Jorge.
Review of Ready for Revolution, by Jorge Valadas.
Valerie Powels (1950-2011).
Venza, Claudio.
Remembering Diego Camacho AKA Abel Paz.
Voline, Leo.
Interview with Leo Voline.