André Bösiger, 22 July 1913-13 April 2005 [Tribute from CIRA Lausanne].
Bernabei, Alfio.
Decio Anzani.
Cassani, Anne.
Letter from Le Pommier.
Collet, Cécile.
Time Capsule a Reminder of Anarchist Struggles [Lausanne].
Enckell, Marianne.
Pietro Ferrua (1930-2021).
Ferrua, Pietro.
A Library is Born.
Gorkín, Julián.
Revolutionary Italy in need of her men: What Has Become of the Great Anarchist, Ghezzi?.
Heath, Nick.
Andre Boesiger 22nd July 1913-13th April 2005.
Jacquier, Charles.
Prudhommeaux, André Jean Eugène [aka Jean Cello, André Prunier].
Lucien Tronchet (1902-1981).
Margarethe Faas-Hardegger.
Menghini, Valerio.
Anybody who comes across CIRA has stumbled upon a treasure.
Mesnil, Jacques.
A prisoner of the G.P.U. : Francesco Ghezzi.
Moreel, Bas.
A Letter from the Netherlands.
Müller-Sewing, Hans.
Margarethe Hardegger: Anarchy, Bohemia and the Women's Movement.
Notes on the life of Francesco Ghezzi (mainly in Switzerland).
Obituary: Marie-Christine Mikhaïlo (1916-2004).
Pietro Gori.
Ramus, Pierre.
Anarchism in the German-speaking Countries.
Tataran, Adrian.
Georges Levezan, a Rumanian Student in the International Anarchist Movement.
Thoughts on Francesco Ghezzi.