Albert Meltzer: an obituary

Albert Meltzer, who died recently aged 76, was sent off fondly by his comrades and friends at a service in Lee, South London. He spent all of his adult years engaged in militant political activity, and was a pivotal figure in the anarchist movement in this country. 

His contribution to the struggle against fascism throughout his life, like that of most serious militants, cannot be measured in words. He down-played his own role until the end. Even in the twilight years of his life he still helped wherever he could, turning up as a character witness at the trial of one AFA militant convicted at Weavers Fields in 1989, dressed in a dapper white suit, and looking much like the Godfather he had become to many of us younger anarchists. 

For one so long engaged in political struggle, Albert never showed a trace of bitterness, and kept a smile on his face until the end. His example to me was a very simple one. Albert’s physical past (and continuing ability), his political determination, and his rejection of many of the arseholes who call themselves anarchists – was married to an (unsentimental) gentleness of character, a total lack of ego or machismo, and a genuine affection and love for his comrades and friends. I’m proud to have made his acquaintance. 

From Fighting Talk 14, July 1996