We would welcome donations towards the cost of printing this. Every little bit helps. We also welcome help with publicising it: if you’re interested in reviewing it, write to us with details of your publication. We need people to buy copies once it’s published. If you can’t afford that, why not order it through your local library? If you want to distribute copies, please get in touch. For progress reports on our publishing projects, for articles about the Iron Column and anarchist history in general, why not subscribe to our bulletin?
Contents include: Valencia in July 1936, the creation, structure and engagements of the Iron Column, confronting the push for militarisation and the fate of the Iron Column. Appendices cover: Línea de Fuego, identified members of the Iron Column, The Plenum of Confederal and Anarchist Columns and more information on Gino Bibbi and José Pellicer.
Abel Paz, The Iron Column: Militant Anarchism in the Spanish Civil War 200+ pages.
Translated by Paul Sharkey. First published (in Catalan) as Crónica de la Columna de Ferro Barcelona:
Editorial Hacer, 1984.
ISBN-13: 9781873605042
ISBN-10: 1873605048 Anarchist library series; 10
An ‘Uncontrollable’ from the Iron Column
A Day Mournful and Overcast
A clear view of what the Spanish Revolution of 1936 was all about from a member of one of the most militant anarchist militia columns. (Originally published March 1937. There is a completely new translation of it in Abel Paz’s The Iron Column (see above)
1-873605-33-1 £2 (post free) / $3
In KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 46-47, July 2006 [Double issue]