Bristol Radical History Group are devoted to history from below and have produced a great series of pamphlets. Now the Group have teamed up with Breviary Stuff publications to produce a book of essays on the radical history of Bristol and the West Country. The introduction and coffee shops chapter are completely new. All of the other chapters have appeared as pamphlets previously, but several have been significantly updated, including new images.
Anarchism in Bristol and the West Country: 1880-1939 / Stephen E. Hunt
Pirates to Proletarians: the Experience of the Pilots and Watermen of Crockerne Pill in the Nineteenth Century / Mike Richardson
The Bristol Strike Wave of 1889-1890: Socialists, New Unionists and New Women — Part One: Days of Hope / Mike Richardson
The Bristol Strike Wave of 1889-1890: Socialists, New Unionists and New Women — Part Two: Days of Doubt / Mike Richardson
The Origins and an Account of Black Friday, 23rd December 1892 / Roger Ball
Intermezzo: Coffee Taverns / Stephen E. Hunt
Bristol and the Labour Unrest of 1910-14 / Mike Richardson
Yesterday’s To-morrow: Bristol’s Garden Suburbs / Stephen E. Hunt
Bread or Batons? Unemployed Workers’ Struggles in Bristol in the 1930s / Dave Backwith and Roger Ball
Strikers, Hobblers, Conchies & Reds : A Radical History of Bristol, 1880-1939 Bristol Radical History Group. ISBN 978-0-9929466-0-9, £18.50. See and