Comfort, Alex.
How to read the newspapers (and listen to the news bulletins) [Leaflet, 1954].
Don't become a Murderer!.
Grove, Janet.
The Anarchist: published by the Hammersmith Anarchist Group 1935 General Election Address.
Heath, Nick.
Anarchists against World War One: Two little known events – Abertillery and Stockport.
Humphrey, John.
A Letter to Youth.
Bourne, Randolph, Ricardo Flores Magón, Gustave Hervé, Anna Key, Louis Lecoin, Pierre Ruff and An Uncontrollable from the Iron Column.
No war but the class war! Libertarian anti-militarism then and now.
Kurihara, Sadako.
Hiroshima: The Atomic Hecatomb.
Meltzer, Albert.
Sport, War & Aggression [Letter, 1966].
Morel, E.D. (Edmund Dene) and John Turner.
Will you make war again? : an open letter to the belligerent governments.
Fabbri, Stefano, Letizia Giarratana, Pippo Gurrieri, Anna Key, Franco Leggio, Maria Occhipinti, Meno Occhipinti and Paul Sharkey.
Rebellious Spirit : Maria Occhipinti and the Ragusa Anti-Draft Revolt of 1945.
Owen, William C.
Rocker's Internment Memoirs [Review].
Prudhommeaux, André.
The atom bomb and anarchy (1948).
Seidenberg, Roderick.
War Resistance.
Shrapnel, Coco.
War And Peace by Proudhon [Book Review].
We MUST Resist! anti-militarism, anti-conscription, anti-war, anti-government.
Yamamoto, Yasuo.
Remembrance: A Letter from Yasuo Yamamoto, father of Atom Bomb victim Mazmi Yamamoto.