Unpublished books Include Facerias, actually proof-ready, There are also introductions to anarchist thinkers (usual lines, usual people), an outstanding book on Fascism, another on the Tejero coup, as well as material on various aspects of anarchism, Spanish and Mexican revolutions, Magon etc, security services, assassination of Ben Barba, etc
The autobiography of Makhno is awaiting publication, but Elephant were going to do it. Investigative Researchers Handbook etc well deserve to be re-published. Well, more than a lot that is. But we need to publish so much.
This is in addition to the two original pamphlets and one reprint I have input. Also the two volumes of Peirats on the History of the CNT have been translated but not printed, and there are print ready pamphlets on Bakunin, etc.
We haven't prepared all the titles but there is a wealth of anarchist material intelligently written and it's bloody criminal that all we get printed in England are FP's reprints - the best of which is the second pad of Berkman's ABC (somewhat outdated when it was written 65 years ago - for instance, his comparison of Anarchism with Bolshevism - both want the same thing but Anarchism by free agreement! Stalin was already in power!)
What can we do about it? The problem with publishing oneself is some nit says the price is too high, photocopies it on a university machine and gives it away free, then wonders why independent anarchist publishers go broke despite a successful record of publishing.
Are there any genuine unsubsidised anarchist publishers still active? Or genuine commercial publishers who will handle anarchist stuff?