“The Story of the Iron Column: Militant Anarchism in the Spanish Civil War” by Abel Paz is out now. I know for certain. I have a copy. After five years of working and worrying at it, I can’t really review it. But I can’t help saying a few things.
I expected to just feel relief when I got it. I do, but stronger than that is familiarity. Inevitable, really, when you’ve read the text several times and then gone over the final layout. Each time I remember thinking “This is a great book”. So thanks to everyone who helped make it happen. It’s a good little book, 260 pages before you get to the bibliography and the done-by-a-human index. Printed on acid-free recycled paper with union labour, which is what you want.
This is not just a book about the Iron Column. Paz is determined to put their actions in context (locally, nationally, internationally) which lights up all the conflicts and debates of the Spanish Revolution and Civil War. What principles, what tactics will get us to a free society? Hopefully people will think about that when they read the book as well as trying to understand the history of the Spanish Civil War. But I guess I should wait and see what other people make of it. Tell us if you can think of how to get it widely reviewed!
“The Story of the Iron Column: Militant Anarchism in the Spanish Civil War” by Abel Paz. Co-published by AK Press and the Kate Sharpley Library ISBN 9781849350648 £13/$18.95
In KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 68, October 2011