Nicoll, David. Life in English Prisons (one hundred years ago). Kate Sharpley Library: 1992. 18 pages.
David Nicoll was imprisoned for protesting against the notorious police conspiracy against the Walsall Anarchists. In 1892 Inspector Melville (with the aid of his informer and agent provocateur Coulon) set up a 'Walsall bomb plot' which earned four workers sentences of five and ten years penal servitude. Nicoll was one of the foremost campaigners for their release. When he asked rhetorically if policemen and judges who could create such plots and frame innocent people for their political ideas were 'fit to live', he too was given a taste of Life in English Prisons. ""The Walsall Anarchists, Trapped by the Police"" is also available from the Kate Sharpley Library. Together, these two pamphlets throw light on the shady beginning of the British political police and the people who suffered for opposing them.
9781873605158 $3.00/£2.00 Find at a local library.