Since resuming the KSL Bulletin we have brought out four numbers but it is some time since No. 4. We have been preoccupied with completing the English-language catalogue of KSL - a task we greatly under-estimated - the next being the Spanish-language catalogue. The bulletin will resume occasional publication giving the update on the Library and occasional historical essays of fact and opinion.
There have been many individuals whom we must thank for donations of books and pamphlets, and among organisations we must single out Phoenix Press for substantial financial support also ASP publications; AK Distribution for donations of new books, Cienfuegos/Refract for older ones.
Unfortunately the notorious State-funded Institute in Amsterdam still clings to the British anarchist archives it obtained from the letter without charge on the pretext of photocopying them and refuses to disgorge while Freedom Press has preferred to place the archives it inherited from the movement either with Amsterdam or to American libraries via the London School of Economics.
In co-operation with AK of Edinburgh, London and San Francisco we are going into publication of books, first publications or not previously translated into English (such as Makhno's essays) covering unexplored aspects of anarchist history.
We were somewhat surprised to find such a wide demand for our pamphlet taken from Russian sources now opened up - 'Two Lies that Shook the World' . This dealt with the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' and the 'Nationalisation of Women In Russia'. Someone somewhere seems to have given it a possibly unintentionally misleading review, as some of the enquiries have come from dodgy sounding sources, one certainly being a known Nazi who seems to think we're blood brothers (better keep that from Searchlight!) Maybe it's in part a spin off from the pseudo-Green Icke controversy.
The Kate Sharpley Library is an archive of books, pamphlets and ephemera on anarchism. It is not at present open to visitors but enquiries can be dealt with by post. A Catalogue of its holdings is being prepared but this is a vast project. We are still looking for older books and pamphlets particularly from other countries, above all where dictatorships have caused such material to become rare. We have actually sent material for re-publication back to countries like Russia.