Dear comrades and friends, here is the bulletin, a year after our last print issue. If you haven’t visited our website or seen any of our ‘Not the bulletin’ online updates, we are still going!
We have spent the last 18 months doing what we can in the face of the covid pandemic (and everything else). We have put a lot of articles up on the website. On our wiki, our study of ‘The 1945 split in British anarchism’ grows and grows. We have also edited a reader of articles as a tribute to Stuart Christie. More on that elsewhere in this issue.
We also salute the memory of our comrades Ian Cameron, Paolo Finzi, Ken Lester, María Lozano Molina, Enric (Henri) Melich Gutiérrez, Alan Pullin, Alexandre Skirda and Ken Weller. There are obituaries for them on our website under ‘Lives’
Thankfully, other comrades keep doing their thing (it’s hard to keep up). The new Steimer Press have republished Ida Mett. The Tyneside Anarchist Archive have printed their book. Black Cat Press have published Berkman’s Kronstadt diary and Young Rebels Against the Empire (youth memoirs of Nestor Makhno and Voldemar Antoni). The Sparrow’s Nest comrades keep on building their digital library. Black Flag Anarchist Review Volume 1 Number 2 (Summer 2021) contains ‘Keeping Alive the Spirit of Revolt: Some thoughts on Albert Meltzer and his writings’ by Barry Pateman at
Happy reading and thanks for your patience!
In KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 103, September 2021