Anarchism in the 1980s: an interview with another ex-member of Bristol Class War.
Anarchist Black Cross Gala Concert Programme [1975].
Barbieri, Ulisse, Ottavio Dinale, Stanislao Alberici Giannini, Pietro Gori, Luigi Molinari, William Morris, Erich Mühsam, Attilio Panizza, Eugène Pottier, Camillo Prampolini, Mario Rapisardi, Filippo Turati and Domenico Zavattero.
Nuovo Canzoniere Rivoluzionario Internazionale [anarchist songbook, 1914].
Black, Henry.
Listen Punks!.
Bristol Class War, an ex-member of.
Crass and Class War in the Thatcher years, by an ex-member of Bristol Class War.
Brown, Tom.
The Internationale [1942].
Brown, Tom.
Into battle with the bazooka bands (Pages of Labour history).
Class struggle anarchism [A punk on the picket line, 1985].
de Cleyre, Voltairine.
The Chain Gang.
Fernández Andújar, Francisco José.
A History of Anarchism in Granada Through Its Documents.
Gori, Pietro.
Primo Maggio (The First of May).
Hoff, Devin and Barry Pateman.
Sparks of Hope: Impressions of Early North American Anarchist Newspapers: words by Barry Pateman; music by Devin Hoff. [CD].
Lester, David.
Cultural Rebel Ken Lester (May 5, 1949-March 31, 2021).
More Hell Raisers Needed.
Most, Johann.
The Proletariat.
Nicoll, David.
The coming of the light.
Pateman, Barry.
Some recent additions [Nov. 2024].
Please help Melissa aka rapper Drowning Dog.
Postbag / Library News.
Thoughts on Anarchism in ‘the Thatcher years’.
A tribute to David Nicoll (1859-1919).
Walsall Prisoners Benefit Concert Ticket [1900].