People matter more than money. Let’s have - A floodworkers’ scheme
A wage cut for the miners (miners - a degrading offer) / Johnnie Miner
Syndicalism in Italy (history)
A glossary of advertising terms - situations vacant
Industrial unionism (aspects of anarcho-syndicalism)
Who will clean the railways (railways - shareholders could do it)
Frank Leech / A.M.[Albert Meltzer]
Thanks again, comrades
Scissor Bill - the way to go home / [Donald Rooum]
Solidarity wanted! (bakery)
Painters, organise! / T.O’M
Insult money for seamen! (the sea)
Letters : “amend” the rules? / L.B.
Letters : militants or commies? / Industrial Unionist
In The Syndicalist [1952-1953]