Armed forces
An Address To The Army (The Sheffield Anarchist, July 19th 1891).
Beaugé, Florence.
Les Égorgeurs (Cut-throats) by Benoist Rey: Censored Memories of Algeria.
Dabrowski, Lukasz , Rafal Gorski and Michal Przyborowski.
New book: Na Krawedzi Zycia: wspomnienia anarchisty 1943-44 (On the Edge of Life: Memories of An Anarchist 1943-44) by Pawel Lew Marek.
An Englishman’s Home. An Appeal to Reason [leaflet, 1909].
Berkman, Alexander, Harry Block, Philip Grosser and James Phillips.
Alcatraz - Uncle Sam's Devil's Island : Experiences of a Conscientious Objector in America during the First World War.
Helms, Robert P.
The Anarchists Who Liberated Paris, & Why They Did It.
Internationalism in practice.
Bourne, Randolph, Ricardo Flores Magón, Gustave Hervé, Anna Key, Louis Lecoin, Pierre Ruff and An Uncontrollable from the Iron Column.
No war but the class war! Libertarian anti-militarism then and now.
La Nueve – 24 August 1944. The Spanish Republicans who liberated Paris by Evelyn Mesquida [Book review].
Rico, Miguel.
Spanish Revolution: Interview with an Eyewitness & Participant (Miguel Rico).
Vicente Monclús Guallar, Spanish Libertarian victimised in the USSR.
Yvetot, Georges.
The New Soldier's Handbook (1903).