With some help from our friends

From this point onward our comrades at Black Cat Press (the people who brought you Nestor Makhno’s memoirs in English) http://www.blackcatpress.ca/ and Thoughtcrime Ink (a non-profit anarchist collective that raises funds for anarchist education projects) http://thoughtcrimeink.com will be printing and helping to distribute all Kate Sharpley Library pamphlets. See elsewhere in this issue for details of our next pamphlets: Some problems of social freedom and Dare to be a Daniel! (third edition).

We’d also like to thank comrades who’ve responded to requests for newly published books. Thanks to Eleuthera for Giacopini’s biography of Malatesta; Agone for Rouillan’s memoirs, ACL for Manfredonia’s Libres toujours and Lux for Schmidt’s Cartographie de l’anarchisme revolutionnaire.

Thanks also go to our comrades who send us material without being asked!