From this point onward our comrades at Black Cat Press (the people who brought you Nestor Makhno’s memoirs in English) and Thoughtcrime Ink (a non-profit anarchist collective that raises funds for anarchist education projects) will be printing and helping to distribute all Kate Sharpley Library pamphlets. See elsewhere in this issue for details of our next pamphlets: Some problems of social freedom and Dare to be a Daniel! (third edition).
We’d also like to thank comrades who’ve responded to requests for newly published books. Thanks to Eleuthera for Giacopini’s biography of Malatesta; Agone for Rouillan’s memoirs, ACL for Manfredonia’s Libres toujours and Lux for Schmidt’s Cartographie de l’anarchisme revolutionnaire.
Thanks also go to our comrades who send us material without being asked!
In KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 72, October 2012