Philip Grosser, who attracted nation-wide attention as a Conscientious Objector in 1917 for his fearless and courageous stand against war, and survived untold sufferings and tortures in the military prisons of Leavenworth and Alcatraz, was killed here by an elevated train on October 18th. He was 42 years of age.
He was well known from coast to coast by all who were at any time interested in defense and relief work for class-war and political prisoners. Tirelessly, and in the Jimmie Higgins style, he was always doing something for somebody behind the bars, or for anybody who needed it on the outside.
Right up to the time of his death he was corresponding with Tom Mooney, McNamara, Billings, Shmidt, and many others in the different prisons.
Belonging to the Anarchist school, believing in the class struggle, Philip Grosser was a staunch union man. At one time he was a member of the I.W.W. In later years he was active in Local 11 of the Painters Union, where he was respected, feared and hated by the labor fakers. He was also a member of the Boston Central Labor Union, representing the Painters Local. He was always at odds with the politicians and labor skates. Though things looked dark at times and it seemed that he was fighting a losing battle, yet he never lost courage and kept up the fight to the last. He was well known and respected for his integrity and honesty, even by those who did not agree with him politically or otherwise.
He was laid at rest Friday, October 20th.
Appropriate speeches were made at the grave by Alice Stone Blackwell, noted liberal, and by Michael Flaherty, Secretary of the Painters' Union. The radical movement has lost one of its truest fighters and supporters. His untimely death is a terrible blow to all of us who knew him.
James Phillips, Boston, Mass.
From: Freedom (New York) December 1933.
In KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 39, July 2004