New publication: One Hundred Years of Workers' Solidarity : the History of “Solidaridad Obrera”

Solidaridad Obrera (Workers’ Solidarity), founded in Barcelona in 1907, is the voice of Spain’s Anarcho-syndicalist Confederacion Nacional del Trabajo (CNT: National Confederation of Labour). These essays were issued to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of “Soli” and together they illustrate the changing fortunes of the Anarcho-syndicalist movement, and its enduring attempt to communicate the anarchist idea.

Mateo Rello on Solidaridad Obrera 1907-1939: Notes towards a history of CNT journalism;
Catalunya, a Catalan-language Soli by Mateo Rello;
Ferran Aisa on Solidaridad Obrera 1939-1987: Clandestinity and Transition;
Carles Sanz on Solidaridad Obrera 1976-2006: A look back at the history of CNT journalism over the last 30 years.

All the articles were translated by Paul Sharkey. ISBN 9781873605646. Buy a copy or read the articles for free at