The Kate Sharpley Library wiki

We have a wiki (collaborative online workspace). Current projects include:
A listing of Freedom Press pamphlets (1889-1923)
Figures for Anarchist newspaper circulation   
Listing of who was at the International Revolutionary Socialist Conference, London 14-19 July 1881 (and also at the  International Conference of Revolutionary Socialists 1890, held at the Autonomie Club, 6 Windmill St, Tottenham Court Road on Sunday August 3, 1890)
US Anarchism 1886-1919 Bibliography
Plus "Still unanswered" (Who was the Russian agent in Barcelona that Krivitsky mentions?, and whatever happened to Guy Bowman?)

We are always interested in any research on anarchism and anarchists. Our hope is that the wiki will be a place where research is shared and chatted about.